
Detailed Information
  • Place Types Cafe
  • Address Testour, Tunisia
  • Coordinate 36.5532495,9.4471103
  • Website Unknown
  • Rating 4
  • Compound Code HC3W+7R Testour, Tunisia
Café des Andalous
Café des Andalous
Café des Andalous
Café des Andalous
Café des Andalous
Café des Andalous
Café des Andalous
Café des Andalous
Café des Andalous
Café des Andalous
Kapa pello (03/08/2017)
Popular café with a big terrasse in front of the old great mosquee. Cheap with good service.
Tunis Rais (10/28/2019)
The café square and the place are great
aziz h (06/07/2020)
Barsha waw Qazouz flies were in the Balbar staples and Ja Shouia growth in Marioli
Chawki Sassi (10/26/2019)
dirk mai (01/19/2021)
Cafe des Andalous is on the central square of Testour. The city, built by Andalusian refugees, still radiates a corresponding charm that is especially beautiful here. The tea tastes excellent under shade-giving trees. You can see the pretty tower with clock of the mosque and the hammam.
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