
Detailed Information
  • Place Types Pharmacy
  • Address RR28, Mrezga, Tunisia
  • Coordinate 36.4275254,10.6741042
  • Website Unknown
  • Rating 4
  • Compound Code CMHF+2J Mrezga, Tunisia
Pharmacie Mrezka
Pharmacie Mrezka
Pharmacie Mrezka
Russell (10/22/2019)
Very Helpful staff who were able to ensure that my daughter had the correct medication for an ear infection. Also went to get wide spectrum antibiotics for myself. Very clean. Spoke better english than I could Arabic! Would defnintely recommend to anyone visiting the the area.
Ahmed Al-Nagar (07/09/2018)
Really nice and helpful staff
Joey Stone (07/31/2016)
it's a place
Massimo Massarenti (06/04/2020)
Local pharmacy that allows me to find some useful products- For more detailed supplies or with less common products I prefer to contact Nabeul.
Илья Гришечкин (06/09/2018)
Helpful staff, the necessary drugs were available, the room was clean and tidy.
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