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Openning hours
  • Monday 8:00 AM – 5:30 PM
  • Tuesday 8:00 AM – 5:30 PM
  • Wednesday 8:00 AM – 5:30 PM
  • Thursday 8:00 AM – 5:30 PM
  • Friday 8:00 AM – 5:30 PM
  • Saturday Closed
  • Sunday Closed
Aksemsettin Anadolu Lisesi
Aksemsettin Anadolu Lisesi
Aksemsettin Anadolu Lisesi
Aksemsettin Anadolu Lisesi
Aksemsettin Anadolu Lisesi
Aksemsettin Anadolu Lisesi
Zeynep ÉRDÉM (07/16/2020)
I am one of the graduates of Akşemsettin Anatolian High School 2019. What happens inside the school is due to students' adolescence. Of course, teachers are not going to mix with individuals in adolescence. The exams are not difficult, teachers are trying to spend the best, the best chemist (my favorite Eve teacher), the best Turkish (my favorite Muharrem teacher) the best physicist (my favorite hepkiii), the best mathematician (hepiiii) are great educators. Even a person who takes the exam without listening to the lesson can take 50 just because he listens and understands. Moreover, they are not as gattar and indifferent as they are described. They go over the abilities of the students, they can devote their meal times to the solution of their questions without any system, they talk to you as a big sister / brother or a teacher and guide you in the best way. This school gave many beautiful graduates, healthcare professionals, lawyers, and tippers. Oh, by the way, my enn favorite (Haydar teacher 🌞 becomes a mentor, they motivate themselves very well. He tells the person and he does not leave him alone for three days. Apart from that, there is a lot of politics in the school. The telephones were lifted because the people who talked to the people who were two lines ahead of the class, who opened the song and learned the lesson, hid the phone between his leg in the exam and copied it, were removed due to informing the smoker that the teacher came. Exam system butterfly. Everyone is seated with students from different departments from different classes. The environment may not be beautiful, the school may be old, canteen food can be expensive, too much politics is turning around, but those teachers and their efforts are above all else. That's all I will say.
İki Teker Anadolu (10/15/2020)
I can say that I spent the worst 4 years of my life in this school, due to both the winegrowers and the physical and financial inadequacies of the school.
Nihat Gedük (08/11/2020)
It's like a typical neighborhood, rural school.
Delgada Gonzales (02/06/2020)
I was at this school in 1999-2000, I stayed in the classroom for 2 years, there was no genius, but the education was zero, it was the rest of the class, it was all luck to study and pass the class, and I was unlucky. Now I know two foreign languages, I got 21 certificates, I tried myself for my education, I completed the things that I couldn't learn in my own effort with my own effort, the worst memories of my life are in this school so if you don't want to have bad memories, give up
Ali Kerim (01/09/2021)
Really nice high school
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