
Detailed Information
  • Place Types Mosque
  • Address Eşrefzade, 16860 İznik/Bursa, Turkey
  • Coordinate 40.4299348,29.7233488
  • Website Unknown
  • Rating 4.9
  • Compound Code CPHF+X8 İznik, Bursa, Turkey
Eşref Cami
Eşref Cami
Eşref Cami
Eşref Cami
Eşref Cami
Eşref Cami
Eşref Cami
Eşref Cami
Eşref Cami
Eşref Cami
Cam Graves (04/17/2017)
This is a beautifully restored and renovated mosque both inside and out. I particularly liked the use of timber on the ceilings and the mihrab areas. The ceramic tile features on the walls in the main prayer hall were exquisite. Well worth the visit.
yunus metin (11/29/2020)
A restored mosque is still beautiful
Kemal Candar (02/24/2021)
Iznik's Gönül Man Eşrefoğlu Abdullah Rumi is the important place where Hazrets slept. He is from Iznik Ulemas. It is located close to the center of Iznik. It lies between Eşrefzade Mosque and Minaret. Iznik tiles on the minaret belong to the Ottoman period before centuries. His real name is Abdullah, his father's name is Ahmed Eşref. His tag in the sources is Abdullah Rûmî b. Sayyid Ahmed Esref b. It is mentioned as Seyyid Muhammed Süyûfî (Mısrî). He was also known as İbnü'l-Eşref, Eşrefzâde, Eşref-i Rûmî, Abdullah İznikî and Abdullah-ı Rûmî. He migrated from Egypt to the town of Hama in Syria, then to Anatolia and settled first in Manisa and then in Iznik. He is the child of a family that has raised scholars and sheikhs, who are reported to be descended from the Prophet.
İlknur Pelit (02/10/2020)
iznik gülleri seven dergah (03/03/2020)
Good to be close to friends of Allah
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