
Detailed Information
  • Place Types Mosque
  • Address Tahtaköprü, Ok Çk. Sk., 16400 İnegöl/Bursa, Turkey
  • Coordinate 39.948227,29.645908
  • Website Unknown
  • Rating 4.2
  • Compound Code WJXW+79 İnegöl/Bursa, Turkey
Hamidiye Cami
Hamidiye Cami
Hamidiye Cami
Hamidiye Cami
Hamidiye Cami
Hamidiye Cami
Kadrye Durmuş (02/18/2020)
The date 1313 / Gregorian date 1895-1896 is written on the north door of the mosque. On the axis of the south wall of the rectangular plan in the north-south direction, there are polygonal mihrab niche and two symmetrically arranged arched windows with respect to the mihrab. On the north wall, there are doors in the middle and windows on both sides. It has four windows in the east and three windows in the west. There are three bases on the west side and a round window on the north side. Floor and top windows on the same type of east facade has.
ibrahim ergün (11/24/2020)
Thank you
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