
Detailed Information
Yarışlı Lake
Yarışlı Lake
Yarışlı Lake
Yarışlı Lake
Yarışlı Lake
Yarışlı Lake
Yarışlı Lake
Yarışlı Lake
Yarışlı Lake
Yarışlı Lake
It`s your trip (10/04/2020)
Really unusual lake. Especially without water. Looks gorgeous
Anthony R. Carey (11/06/2019)
Worth a visit - was dry at the time we called by.
Yusuff (03/18/2021)
It is an unheard of lake. It has a very different structure. In terms of bird variety, it is the best lake I have seen around Burdur and Isparta. Although it is winter, white fisherman, ruddy shelduck, chirping, pelican, saberbill and many more. I would definitely recommend to those who are interested in bird photography.
Reyhan Çağaç (08/28/2020)
Although Yarisli Lake is known for its flamingos, the small island in the lake and the ancient city remains were found on the land mass (also known as the big island) opposite this island. Some of these remains are exhibited in Burdur Archeology Museum.
Mustafa ciğer (08/13/2020)
The road is asphalt up to the village. You can reach the lake side by a short dirt road from the village.
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