
Detailed Information
Aslanlar Petrol Batman
mehmet amed (10/07/2020)
It gives discounted diesel fuel of 100 lt or more.
Kadir Ergen (11/19/2020)
Affordable quality
Şemsettin Elciboğa (10/27/2020)
Quality price service number 10
NUREDDİN Kaya (07/23/2020)
No cheap and clean fuel diesel and LPG gasoline
kenan almas (07/10/2019)
because land and tankers belong to them, diesel fuel can take much under the market. I've tried the fuels several times did not see the difference from other petrol stations did not make a contrary sound in the engine and did the normal km. However, when you buy fuel from the petrol station, you cannot take your bill. If you have a problem with the engine to claim your ...
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