
Detailed Information
Başiskele Merkez Kapalı Pazar Alanı
Başiskele Merkez Kapalı Pazar Alanı
Başiskele Merkez Kapalı Pazar Alanı
Başiskele Merkez Kapalı Pazar Alanı
Başiskele Merkez Kapalı Pazar Alanı
Başiskele Merkez Kapalı Pazar Alanı
Başiskele Merkez Kapalı Pazar Alanı
Başiskele Merkez Kapalı Pazar Alanı
Başiskele Merkez Kapalı Pazar Alanı
Başiskele Merkez Kapalı Pazar Alanı
DENİZ GECE (12/07/2020)
It is an environment where you can park your vehicle in a very well arranged, comfortable way and walk around. I pay great attention to being comfortable and not experiencing stress in such places. It's a stressful enough world anyway ... The egg and pepper I bought from our peasant aunt were delicious. So you can meet with real villagers. If we can learn to swallow cleaning, it will be much more beautiful.
yunus emre öztürk (12/10/2020)
Even though it sounds a little small, it is very successful thanks to our municipality.
İbrahim BAYRAK (09/23/2020)
Good-hearted people never lose. Just keep your heart clean.
İBRAHİM BULUT (08/03/2020)
A public market is set up on Thursdays. The same prices as Izmit Thursday market. Everything you are looking for can be found in a market. A fashion market is set up on Sundays. Half or less of the prices in shopping malls. The products are of good quality, it works for you.
guzide tuncay çetiner (07/24/2020)
You can find a wide variety of materials on the name of the bride. But I meant the fashion market that was set up on Sundays.
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Karşıyaka, 66650 Sarıkaya/Yozgat, Turkey
+90 545 405 27 77