
Detailed Information
Bağlarbaşı Surp Haç Ermeni Mezarlığı
Bağlarbaşı Surp Haç Ermeni Mezarlığı
Bağlarbaşı Surp Haç Ermeni Mezarlığı
Bağlarbaşı Surp Haç Ermeni Mezarlığı
Bağlarbaşı Surp Haç Ermeni Mezarlığı
Bağlarbaşı Surp Haç Ermeni Mezarlığı
Bağlarbaşı Surp Haç Ermeni Mezarlığı
Bağlarbaşı Surp Haç Ermeni Mezarlığı
Bağlarbaşı Surp Haç Ermeni Mezarlığı
Bağlarbaşı Surp Haç Ermeni Mezarlığı
Ertuğrul Cicerali (03/10/2021)
Armenian cemetery in Istanbul's belly ... people I have lost a loyal despite the fact 100 years ago, they have continued to live freely Armenians in Turkey despite the Diaspora Armenian genocide allegations.
F. H. (11/06/2020)
The area just opposite the Marmara İlahiyat Mosque is the Jewish Cemetery and the area right next to it is the Armenian cemetery. Where 3 divine religions are side by side. On some Sundays, I would walk in and walk when the door was open while passing for work. I would read poems on tombstones, look at photographs and study sculptures. Usually nobody would either. The cemetery in the heart of Bağlarbaşi, which many people pass by and perhaps do not even wonder what it is.
C T (08/01/2019)
Since the middle of the 16th century, this cemetery is located on the hill called Bağlarbaşı. The oldest tombstone in the cemetery dates from 1637. The cemetery has an area of ​​14 thousand m2. The northern part of this area, which is divided into two, was allocated to the Church of the Holy Cross and the south to the Surp Garabed Church in 1555. In 1884 the boundaries were determined. The main benefactor of the cemetery was Diyarbakır's mules, who passed away in 1718.nIn the cemetery, there are monumental and monumental mausoleums and tombstones, which are remarkable as an artistic rare work.
Başak Bilgetekin (01/21/2018)
The part of this cemetery that faces the Capitol side is the Jewish cemetery. For some reason, this detail is by no means known and presented. Bağlarbaşı is one of the few districts that bear the traces of three beliefs. But this is not known much.
ahmet talha zaman (08/05/2019)
God forgive
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