
Detailed Information
Openning hours
  • Monday 8:30 AM – 10:00 PM
  • Tuesday 8:30 AM – 10:00 PM
  • Wednesday 8:30 AM – 10:00 PM
  • Thursday 8:30 AM – 10:00 PM
  • Friday 8:30 AM – 10:00 PM
  • Saturday 8:30 AM – 10:00 PM
  • Sunday 8:30 AM – 10:00 PM
台中當舖 豐原當舖 大眾當舖-汽車借款 機車借款 免留車 豐原當舖 收購黃金 勞力士 各類名錶 土地 鑽石 手機等
台中當舖 豐原當舖 大眾當舖-汽車借款 機車借款 免留車 豐原當舖 收購黃金 勞力士 各類名錶 土地 鑽石 手機等
台中當舖 豐原當舖 大眾當舖-汽車借款 機車借款 免留車 豐原當舖 收購黃金 勞力士 各類名錶 土地 鑽石 手機等
台中當舖 豐原當舖 大眾當舖-汽車借款 機車借款 免留車 豐原當舖 收購黃金 勞力士 各類名錶 土地 鑽石 手機等
台中當舖 豐原當舖 大眾當舖-汽車借款 機車借款 免留車 豐原當舖 收購黃金 勞力士 各類名錶 土地 鑽石 手機等
台中當舖 豐原當舖 大眾當舖-汽車借款 機車借款 免留車 豐原當舖 收購黃金 勞力士 各類名錶 土地 鑽石 手機等
台中當舖 豐原當舖 大眾當舖-汽車借款 機車借款 免留車 豐原當舖 收購黃金 勞力士 各類名錶 土地 鑽石 手機等
台中當舖 豐原當舖 大眾當舖-汽車借款 機車借款 免留車 豐原當舖 收購黃金 勞力士 各類名錶 土地 鑽石 手機等
台中當舖 豐原當舖 大眾當舖-汽車借款 機車借款 免留車 豐原當舖 收購黃金 勞力士 各類名錶 土地 鑽石 手機等
台中當舖 豐原當舖 大眾當舖-汽車借款 機車借款 免留車 豐原當舖 收購黃金 勞力士 各類名錶 土地 鑽石 手機等
陳港生 (12/08/2016)
蕭怡禎 (03/16/2021)
Personally, this is my first contact with a pawnshop... At first I was afraid of being deceived or encountering a rogue pawnshop. Not only was I not able to borrow the amount I wanted, but even the car would not come back (I have seen a lot of people who were deceived before. Case), but temporarily and very urgently, I can’t think of a way to spend money...nLater, after being introduced by a friend, I went to the public pawnshop and asked about it. The result was very surprised! This pawnshop is completely different from the pawnshop I imagined! ! (Maybe there are usually black stickers on the outside of the pawnshop and you can’t see what’s inside.)nUnexpectedly, the boss is super nice and kind. He doesn't make me feel pressure at all. He also hopes to really help me like a friend. I have a lot of locomotive loan problems and he explained to me well.nThe best part is that I can leave the car free of charge~~ It solves a big problem for me. I still have transportation tools to get to and from get off work~~ In short, if you need to find Boss Pan, it’s right! ! I personally really recommend him
李宜蓁 (03/26/2021)
The tourism industry is now said to be as miserable as it is. It often receives mainland tourists who travel freely. Recently, it has been affected by pneumonia. Since the beginning of the year, there will be no cars to run. Faced with the overwhelming economic pressure, they called to ask about car loans. What kind of conditions are required for the free-stay car project, and what information do I need to provide? In addition, I currently have a loan for my car, and I don’t know if I can borrow it. After talking to the boss, I understand that I only need to provide a license to communicate with me. You can drive the car over and take a look at it, and you can also borrow the installment car. After going to the public, the boss is very kind, the review process is fast, the procedures are simple, and you can get the money right away. The repayment can be settled at one time without any liquidated damages, and can also be amortized by instalments, and thank you for your convenience.
王哲琬 (03/29/2021)
2年前自己來到豐原打拼 在己的朋友合股下投入其中結果失利負債 真的是急了找上了地下錢莊害的我連房租都繳不出來 後來問了好幾家當舖得知我在錢莊有借都拒我於門外 直到我找到大眾n剛好也遇到老闆 簡單聽了我的狀況 不但沒拒絕我 也幫我想了一套解決的方法 現在不僅錢莊問題解決了 借款方面利息不僅低還讓我分期攤還 受人點滴永記心頭 還剩五個月就全清款了 謝謝老闆 我會加油。
陳政瑜 (03/28/2021)
本老闆甘溫 !! 我是昨天下午帶我叔叔用黃金與鑽石去向你們辦理貸款的 感謝你們整下午跟我們聊這麼多 叔叔叫我一定要來跟你們致謝 我媽媽突然需要開刀需要一筆龐大手術費 導致我跟叔叔在醫院手足無措 真的不知道該如何是好 在網路上找好幾家都太慢了 之後致電向你們詢問並且訴說情形後 你們卻和我們說願意特地替我們辦理!! 真的就像冬天裡的一把火 溫暖了我們 我跟叔叔一定會在找個時間過去向您答謝。 萬分感謝你們 服務也很周到 說明的也很詳細。
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號, No. 20-3天母東路50巷士林區台北市 Taiwan 111
+886 976 066 469