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  • Monday 1:00 – 10:00 PM
  • Tuesday 1:00 – 10:00 PM
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照咖 複合式婚紗
照咖 複合式婚紗
照咖 複合式婚紗
照咖 複合式婚紗
照咖 複合式婚紗
照咖 複合式婚紗
照咖 複合式婚紗
照咖 複合式婚紗
照咖 複合式婚紗
照咖 複合式婚紗
奇檬子 (03/29/2021)
補充拍攝景點位置:新竹南大路140巷(路口轉角處) 第一次遇到讓人沒有期待感的作品,完全不想加洗照片~強烈建議大家拍攝婚紗要在住家內縣市拍攝,因為去外縣市拍攝耗時又不方便,而且可能遇到雷景點!當初簽約前價錢說好了,還說附近有景點可拍攝,告知的必須修飾部位,雙方已口頭談好~ 幾次前往新竹都是利用排假,最後確定後終於來到拍攝當天,卻臨時告知附近有辦活動,去那裡會有很多人不建議去(我心想,哪裡不會有人?拍攝就是一下子而已,遊客又不會故意在鏡頭前走來走去,畢竟拍婚紗是喜事) 然後店家告知旁邊還有一個地方可拍攝,還說不需要開車,化好妝穿著高跟鞋走了一段路,到目的地大傻眼,就是一個大空地,一間廢棄的房子,拍攝時還會拍到後面的住宅,毫無美感~這麼爛的景,還不如在我們住家附近的生態公園拍攝!所以選居住當地的婚紗店真的比較有保障,才不會浪費一堆寶貴時間! 好不容易拍完回店裡,一看室內拍攝場所也是簡陋,也無法去一樓咖啡廳拍攝,(因為當天詢問不行,必須先預約,對於這點我很生氣,婚紗店都沒事先告知拍攝日期會撞到外面的熱鬧活動日)所以那天拍攝情境真的扣分! 然後造型和髮妝,遇到的設計師似乎是新手,把新娘化老,整個造型就是很老派,讓我很後悔不是找以前原本台北店家,技術差好多!!!! 後來拍完再找時間回去選相片,完全沒有期待開心,雖然契約有說不滿意可以重拍,但我們時間寶貴,而且重拍也是不會多讓人期待,接著回家後收到修圖照,新娘的臉都不同,一下鵝卵臉一下V臉,線條修成像40幾歲,當初說好小寶貝的眼睛因為有受傷需要小遮瑕,居然回覆我自然就好他們無法修(錢是你們付的嗎?什麼叫自然就好,後來我用手機修圖程式回傳,才又改口說可以修圖,還好我有堅持,不然現在傷口都好了,以後看到那些照片也不會開心) 多虧店家,讓我們完全不想多花錢,因為整體很糟,要不是為了小寶貝,我根本無法選超過五張!(記得我們第一次去台北其他店拍攝,每張都讓人捨不得刪掉,不小心就選了100張以上~) 最後相片加洗完成,又告知無法寄,如果運送過程破損必須由我們自己承擔,其實我收到店家的回覆,已麻痺沒什麼驚訝了!重點就是有沒有心,一小本相簿加一個小型音樂盒是多難寄?我寄玻璃杯給親友都知道要用氣泡袋包覆,脆弱物品都能安全送達!想想那麼多趟的外縣市和ETC的錢真是不划算! 拍婚紗照真的不要部分口頭告知,不然下次去,換個店員就又改說法,完整的契約非常重要!等小寶貝讀書時拍全家福,我們絕對不會再去惠顧,想到那塊空地加個破屋就能當拍攝地,再看看我們這那麼多大型公園,整個只有後悔,照片也不想再拿出來看,因為越看越無言,因為他們的不專業沒有告知,所以我們才會無法在唯一能加分的咖啡店拍攝,那天婚紗店還叫我們下去問問,當天詢問還被咖啡店老闆拒絕及給臭臉! 決定記錄這個過程,同時也給我們自己當警惕,下次全家福照一定要更小心選店家
h h (12/30/2020)
Sometimes negative reviews are more worthy of reference Because it is more real, it is recommended not to be led by a tough salesman to order immediately (very important) Still have to do more homework, the location should be close to home, using LINE, etc. is just a rhetoric Still have to deal with the follow-up, the dress style is very important, it is recommended to compare more, it is really bad I’m not satisfied with the experience of the people who came here, but I have to spend another money to change the photo in another home :(
uranus haung (12/27/2020)
Calling to ask the store has a poor response attitude and did not answer the question...
maglster5 (10/17/2020)
Shooting girlfriends wedding dresses, three sets of clothing, the number of photos taken is not even, the last set of photos is too small, even if the album says that more money can be put in a few more, the result is that the layout is super bad and it is hard to get stuck.
惢心 (12/20/2019)
I went to the New Year's Street to see the coffee shop during the Chinese New Year. I felt good when I was with my husband. I decided to take pictures. The place where I saw the photo was very dirty and I didn’t even walk. My husband still found a dirty place. Change the chaotic little corner to change clothes... Later, I went to pick the film and always asked you to add money. I didn’t add money. The attitude of the other party was super bad... I felt very bad from beginning to end... The face of the photo was black and some scenes were like shooting at the construction site. There is also a glove for the construction site.... there is no way to give 0 stars.
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