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欣安診所 (專精過動、自閉、亞斯伯格、妥瑞與睡眠障礙)
欣安診所 (專精過動、自閉、亞斯伯格、妥瑞與睡眠障礙)
欣安診所 (專精過動、自閉、亞斯伯格、妥瑞與睡眠障礙)
LH NICK (03/26/2021)
璇璇今年底滿6歲了,聖誕節晚會他還是媽媽心中最漂亮的小公主,跟以往不一樣的是,媽媽問璇璇要不要禮物的時候,他不再只是害羞的笑笑,而是會用簡單的語句跟媽媽討禮物,還會說『聖誕老人也要給我禮物!』,這讓帶璇璇到處早療4年的我們,感覺到很高興,雖然路很長,但就像阮醫生說的,『自癒是大腦的本能』,在【新竹阮慶定醫師欣安診所】9個月的治療,讓我們見證大腦再開發的奇蹟! 早療四年的過程分享 1. 台大醫院檢查腦部,染色體檢查,花的不只是金錢還有時間,但結果是什麼都查不到 2. 開始早療診所的生活,一週三次口語,動作,持續的做持續的每一週,聽到的是妳女兒目前看不到進步,看不到成長,之後可能得做什麼做什麼 3. 自費的復健中心,說能改變我女兒的狀況,二年過去得到的成果是再努力再加油 4. 這些過程並不像幾句簡單的輕描淡寫,過程中父母親的絕望,難過,心疼誰能了解 直到109年初踏進【新竹阮慶定醫師欣安診所】算起,璇璇已經接受9個月的身心整合治療,經過德國MORA生物共振儀器及口鼻腔光療機器的治療,璇璇大腦開始建構出新的迴路,看著璇璇一點點地進步,每個禮拜台北到新竹的往返奔波,爸爸媽媽不覺得辛苦,阮醫師醫療團隊溫柔細心的引導治療,璇璇也把去診所當作出去玩的行程。 為了讓我們更了解身心整合療程的奧秘,阮醫師介紹我們去看『自癒是大腦的本能』這本暢銷書,看完後發現身心整合療法已經是被國際認可的非侵入性治療,就是讓受損大腦再修復、再新增,藉由光、聲音、震動、電流和運動的能量經由非侵入式的通道進入身體,身體感官把能量形態轉換成電流訊號,使大腦可以運用,形成或加強新的神經迴路。也就是璇璇每次來診所做德國MORA生物共振儀器及口鼻腔光療,都是她大腦一次次的啟動自癒機制。 在這9個月裡,第1個療程快結束的時候,幼稚園老師跟我說:「璇璇不一樣了,上課專注度提升很多」,療程進入第2階段的時候,許久不見璇璇的早療老師跟我說:「璇璇口語多了非常多,她很高興」,最近我跟璇璇學校的語言老師會談,老師說:「她曾經以為璇璇可能不會有口語,看到她這樣的進步,她覺得是奇蹟」。以前每次跟老師談話,我都會覺得眼眶濕濕的,因為覺得我們做了這麼多,可是不知道為什麼沒有成果!這次跟老師談話時,我還是一度眼眶濕濕的,可是這是高興感動的淚水! 【以下是我之前分享在阮醫師欣安診所治療的第一篇感動分享】 109年3月中帶著5歲的女兒去新竹欣安診所給阮醫師評估前敘述了她的成長過程,二歲時發現她口語能力表達極差,連簡單的單字都無法說出,經過一年多的各診所或醫院早療都沒有什麼進步,也特別的自費去給專人老師上課做了一年花了不少錢,但仍看不到效果,後來在四歲多時還發生了急性重積癲癇,差點她就離開我了(泣)。 後來在廣播中有聽到介紹阮醫師是生物共振儀器治療(儀器會接觸身體的後背手腳執行電針灸),有很多類似的案子在醫生那邊獲得了顯著的改善,就彷彿看到光明的前往這一絲曙光的路。 第一次做就有改善,睡眠品質不好的她,那天晚上睡比較入眠(不會坐起來或像是做惡夢般一直亂動),第二,三次做完後,學校那邊傳來好消息,她中午睡眠狀況也明顯改善了(從不肯睡到熟睡),第四第五次後她的眼神專注有改善(從完全眼神飄移到可以注視3到5秒),學校老師跟診所早療也說她穩定度有明顯改善(從吵鬧到可以安靜上課)。 目前有持續使用癲癇藥雖然無看到明顯副作用,但阮醫師那邊儀器很厲害,學校跟早療老師都有感受到進步,我也會讓她繼續做療程讓她的語言認知能得到"好的改變",欣安團隊真的很棒,也會教我們家長要如何照顧這特殊小孩,我始終相信上帝是公平的,祂總是會給我們考驗,但也給我們提示而得到救贖跟進步。 【以下是我之前分享在阮醫師欣安診所治療的第二篇感動分享】 每個孩子都是父母手心的寶,我的女兒是個很愛笑但發展慢的孩子,在【新竹阮慶定醫師欣安診所】的這幾個月療程,從只會說很少的單詞,到能跟我父親慢慢說「阿公生日快樂」這幾個字,看到她穩定地進步,我忍不住打第2篇文章(上一篇約109年5月寫的),跟大家分享我的喜悅。 細數上一篇內容,每一句每一字仍點滴在心上,還記得在最無助的時候(什麼治療都做了,可是改變就是很慢),從廣播中偶然聽到阮醫師的自然療法,便帶著孩子從台北到新竹欣安診所,剛開始使用要價百萬的德國MORA生物共振儀器及鼻腔光療,孩子的睡眠品質顯著提升,入睡需要的時間也簡短了,學校老師稱讚白天情緒很穩定,學習也比之前專注。在幾次療程以後,孩子配合度較高時,開始口部光療,阮醫師說舌頭跟口部的神經跟大腦迴路直接相通,會對大腦修復有很大幫助,結果也是很讓人驚喜,孩子從很短的單詞,進步到出現短句子。 經過阮醫師欣安診所的身心整合治療,孩子的成長呈現出正循環的能量,在認知的教導上,因為能開口表達了,在過程中反應越來越正確,甚至能互相對話,例如:她之前痛覺神經很不敏感(排氣管燙到腳的都不喊疼),治療後,在某一次她上早療時撞到頭,回家還會跟我告狀頭痛痛,然後摸著受傷的地方要我看要我摸摸,我好開心她真的會表達了,這是一直以來最擔心的,擔心她被欺負卻不會講。 來欣安診所接受阮醫師的德國生物共振儀器治療,孩子的改變過程我有義務也要分享出來,感謝其他家長的分享,感謝阮醫師引進這些總價上千萬的治療儀器,才讓我的孩子有機會進步!如果真有神,那阮醫生就是將祂給我的任務,做了一些提示一些幫助,讓我能盡快完成任務,然後有餘力幫助其他有需要的人。
sn chochi1234 (03/12/2021)
The fifth sharing article 110.03.08 I have been receiving treatment at Xin'an Clinic for one and a half years! I have written four articles to share my boy’s treatment history and changes, and frankly say that if there are special children in the family, the parents’ mental journey is really beyond ordinary people’s understanding . From the perspective of early treatment; pick up and drop off the child to class every day (not only one class, but also to catch up with other class time), the child’s emotions or other needs and solid implementation, parents have to be patient to deal with the child’s problems, not after the class No need to use it!! If dining out or going to other public places, the psychological pressure of parents is even greater. At home, they have to face the general mode of getting along with each child; parents also have to be cautious, just like unexploded bombs. Normal; waiting for the explosion at any time. These are the states I have experienced; but These experiences are also an important part of promoting the growth of parents and children. The biggest change of my child in this year and a half is from the ability to understand language (for example: can follow my instructions to make correct behavior; if there are words that he does not understand in ordinary conversations, he will ask me to explain), The ability to ask questions (for example: he sees a tire in the back of a SUV; ask me why there is a tire in the back?), builds up the ability to communicate (for example, he suddenly asked me on the way home one day: "Mom, can I take the stones home? I asked him: How come there are stones? He said: The teacher asked us to play on the slide. I picked up a lot of stones and put them in my pockets, and then went to class. Going home, he really found some seeds in his pocket, and by the way, clarify whether this is a seed or not a stone!"). Then come to propose the ability to compromise (for example: he will bargain with me, he wants 2 apples, I told the child: eating too much will make the stomach uncomfortable! The child proposes a solution by himself and said: I will eat today One, eat one tomorrow); the improvement of these abilities not only relieves me a lot of pressure on getting along with my children, but the children themselves can also gain a sense of satisfaction and accomplishment. Children have language and communication skills, and the relative outburst of emotions is reduced a lot; they even learn to control emotions; express rich emotions... and so on. My child’s vision is affected by the disease. The visual image is not clear and the field of view is narrow, which makes him a difficult obstacle in reading and learning. It is also relatively hard. Relatively, he often has failures and frustrations. He is more likely to back down, and he is less likely to try difficult things. This is; the problem that my child and I must overcome in the future; keep on working hard!!
林東蔚 (03/27/2021)
我的兒子目前就讀國中一年級,功課尚可,數理方面不錯,但是需要背誦的科目就很糟糕,學校老師有反應他上課專注度不佳,要我們注意是否需要接受治療,兒子平常在家唸書也是很容易被外在環境干擾,坐不住 易分心...青春期的到來有些情緒反應也會更直接..會跟父母起衝突,後來查了一下網路,新竹有家診所對於這種狀況有一套獨特的物理治療方式,我和老婆與兒子溝通後同意去試試看,經過跟阮醫師討論後決定嘗試治療,一個療程十次,不用打針也不用吃藥,直到現在已經做完了一次的療程(十週)...我觀察兒子的專注力與服從性明顯變好,也比較不易怒,對於父母的指示原本很容易抗拒,現在比較可以靜下心來傾聽...還有原本鼻子的過敏鼻塞鼻水也改善不少,早上起床打噴嚏流鼻水有減少,阮醫生說,改善體質就可以減緩青少年行為上的差異,也增加專注力,我覺得有道理...希望孩子可以越來越好...有類似困擾的家長們推薦可以來新竹尋求阮醫生的協助...他是這方面的專家......
Moonmoon Chien (01/25/2021)
From elementary school to the present, the 13-year-old son has been in the middle and late stages of his schoolwork. Although he was urged to review at home, his grades have not improved. The tutor mentioned that he was not very attentive in class, but the teacher in his school never asked his parents to take him for evaluation, so we always thought that when the child gets older, his concentration will improve. It was not until the end of last year that my school teacher frequently told my children that they love to talk in class and were not attentive, so I learned about attention deficit and found that my son should be ADD. Although he is not hyperactive, it is very difficult to concentrate. As the pressure on his schoolwork in junior high school is getting heavier, his problems have been highlighted. When I was worried about my son's affairs, I happened to see an advertisement poster of Xin'an Clinic, advertised that he would not need medicine or injections to help the child get resuscitation. In the mood to give it a try, I came to the clinic. Dr. Ruan checked his son’s condition and immediately concluded that the child’s sleep was not good. If he was not asleep, he would not be able to turn the superficial memory into a deep one, which would lead to forgetfulness and difficulty in keeping up with schoolwork. Indeed, as the doctor said, every day when teaching a child to get up, he often sees his mouth open. The doctor said that because the nose is blocked, he will use his mouth to breathe. Oxygen cannot get into the head, causing a series of chain reactions, and the lips are also easy. Dry peeling. The child also has gastrointestinal problems, often constipation, and only defecate once every three or four days. The doctor said this was also the result of long-term psychological depression caused by schoolwork pressure. The treatment involves light therapy, electrotherapy, and magnetotherapy to adjust the child's energy field. The phototherapy treats the nose, throat, and abdomen, and the electrotherapy and magnetotherapy adjust the connection of nerve circuits in his brain. The whole course of treatment was ten times. After returning home from the first treatment, the child felt very sleepy and immediately fell asleep for half an hour. After waking up, I was reborn as a different person, my personality became mature and stable, and I was very surprised to write exercises quickly and accurately! This situation continued for a few days before returning to the original state a bit. The doctor said that a good start is half of the success. Although the effects of the subsequent treatments were not as amazing as the first time, and even a bit worse than before, the doctor said that this is a normal reversal reaction, and the treatment will take him to the deepest level. The problem is brought to the surface, so we will see him as if he is regressing, but in fact it is doing a deep cleanup. The other is that we have to have the right attitude towards treatment. During the first treatment, the child himself has a strong desire to change, so the treatment effect is doubled. However, in the next few times the child has a mentality of gains and losses, delusional to step up to the sky, thinking that every treatment should be as effective as the first time, as long as they encounter some unsatisfactory things, such as poor exams, they will feel that the treatment is useless, and the willingness to treat will be reduced or It is mistrust, and the situation gets worse. Fortunately, there is a doctor's enlightenment. He said that such long-term accumulated problems must require time and patience. It is impossible to completely solve the long-standing problems in just a few treatments. Later, we and the child adjusted our mentality together and stopped worrying about gains and losses. Pay more attention to his progress. At the end of the first treatment course, we found that his physical condition really improved! He would have opened his mouth to sleep, but now when he wakes up, he sees that his mouth is mostly closed, and his mouth is no longer dry and peeling. I used to blow my nose and I used to catch a cold, but now I hardly need to blow my nose. It used to defecate once every three or four days, but now it is almost once every day or every two days, and it is not easy to get tired. The body is relaxed, and the head will be clearer. In the last section of the exam, he didn't expect him, but as a result, every subject was better than the last time! It turns out that to adjust the body and mind, you must start with the body to adjust, only then will there be a change in the mind. I think the first course of treatment is adjusted for the body, and we will let him do the second course of treatment, hoping to make continuous progress!
oueyang norman (12/03/2020)
My child has been around for 5 years!! When I was born, like everyone, I look forward to the healthy growth of my child. Four months old, tremor and high hyperopia, epilepsy near 3 years old, 5 years old diagnosed as alstron syndrome. These problems made him develop slowly, and amblyopia made him difficult to read and write. For more than 3 years, except for classes in school and children, the rest of the time has been inseparable with me. So, I know very well where is my child's progress? After the summer vacation, a few days after school started, the teacher told me: Wow!! What does your child do during the summer vacation? You can make rapid progress, jump on one foot, write numbers and recognize phonetic symbols. I interacted with the children in class, and my personality became more lively. After class, he would also tell me what the teacher explained, such as: What do I bring to school tomorrow, or what activities are there? There are more conversations in normal life, the teacher Say~~~~~ His language comprehension ability has improved to the next level, and he has the ability to communicate. Even if he is emotional, I can use this language to communicate to let him accept, understand and even compromise (after the emotional process)! Let’s review what he just happened. Things that make him angry, things that make him frustrate. He also told him the solutions that he could try. This kind of children really need successful experience, to accumulate self-confidence and sense of accomplishment! After more than a year of treatment at Dr. Ruan Xin'an Clinic until now, language development ability and understanding Ability is the fastest, which makes it easier for me to lead my children!! Thank you very much Now I have always had the belief in gratitude, thank God for giving me this child, along the way, my child and I have cultivated each other's meaning in life. Learn from each other (the child will let me see things that I usually ignore) For example: When quarreling with the child’s father, my child was born immediately and said: You two can’t speak so loudly, you have to talk carefully!! We are now Stop emotions. Leading each other (children let me live more positively and love myself) For example: I will tell myself that if I am not good, my child will be worse. During the child’s kindergarten period, I create my own working space and look for achievements. sense! All this is certainly hard. But I still feel very lucky.
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