
Detailed Information
Openning hours
  • Monday 12:00 – 9:00 PM
  • Tuesday 12:00 – 9:00 PM
  • Wednesday 12:00 – 9:00 PM
  • Thursday 12:00 – 9:00 PM
  • Friday 12:00 – 9:00 PM
  • Saturday 12:00 – 9:00 PM
  • Sunday 12:00 – 9:00 PM
星和愛漂亮 - 板橋府中店
星和愛漂亮 - 板橋府中店
Ottina Yeh (08/07/2020)
Excellent service. Incredible facial treatment and the skincare specialist is professional.
Ian Chen (08/06/2020)
Service very good !!!
Yilin K (03/26/2021)
全部好評都是假的!明明寫著$688 一堂課實際上付費不是$688。因為他們會強制你買他們的卸妝項目$188。另外如果你需要去角質還要再加購$188,他們的美容課程也不幫你修眉,修眉還要再付$188。面膜還要另外購買!便宜的也要$50。可想而知做一堂課都要破千了。 一堂美容課程45分鐘,而且幫你卸妝,塗個乳液都花了快10分鐘了。去角質也快10分鐘。幫你清粉刺5分鐘然後敷個面膜花了20分鐘。一堂課程就這麼沒了。一點都不值得。 快要付費的時候,他們還強制推銷。說購買他們的產品3萬多,產品保留在他們那邊,用完就沒有送課程了。而且還一直推銷我買他們的堂數,我說不要。說什麼10堂做臉還送4堂$188 的服務。(意思是,你前面4堂做臉用完了代表4次$188的卸妝也沒了。下面6次來這邊做臉都要付$188 的卸妝錢) 然後還叫我充值$5000 也好啊,可以有四堂做臉。。。說白了4次做臉我還是要帶$188的卸妝錢。面膜的錢也要帶。 總而言之,我不建議各位去這家店。這種強迫推銷行為真的很不道德。
YL F (03/09/2021)
Register for a free experience on the Internet There was no notice when I arrived at the scene. It was an experience class. Simply introduce each content and price After I went home, I found out why the trial class was charged Called and said that the fee cannot be refunded? ! Said that the guests must remind them to know A bit dumbfounded, but the attitude of the beautician is good Never go again ----- Follow-up contact customer service The supervisor helps to assist in the refund Attitude is also very good, thank you
KK (02/10/2021)
The beautician (worn in black clothes) service descriptions are very good, will promote sales, but not excessively uncomfortable, 164.88 finished I feel the effect is popular, clear acne is very careful, the toilet is super dirty, and I dare not use the toilet.
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No. 473號, Xinxing Road, Wuri District, Taichung City, Taiwan 41457
+886 979 606 932