
Detailed Information
Openning hours
  • Monday 8:00 AM – 11:00 PM
  • Tuesday 8:00 AM – 11:00 PM
  • Wednesday 8:00 AM – 11:00 PM
  • Thursday 8:00 AM – 11:00 PM
  • Friday 8:00 AM – 11:00 PM
  • Saturday 8:00 AM – 11:00 PM
  • Sunday 8:00 AM – 11:00 PM
全聯福利中心Pxmart 北投文林北
全聯福利中心Pxmart 北投文林北
全聯福利中心Pxmart 北投文林北
全聯福利中心Pxmart 北投文林北
全聯福利中心Pxmart 北投文林北
全聯福利中心Pxmart 北投文林北
全聯福利中心Pxmart 北投文林北
全聯福利中心Pxmart 北投文林北
全聯福利中心Pxmart 北投文林北
全聯福利中心Pxmart 北投文林北
Hes C (03/24/2021)
我覺得 這一間好像是模範店的概念 店員客氣有禮貌 別的全聯沒有的 這裡都有 而且有時優惠折扣 也比別分店划算 空間走道不會很窄 而且麵包區跟冷藏啤酒區 超大 有優惠折扣的時候也都會主動提醒 很貼心 之前 靠窗區還可以坐著喝咖啡 但是因為疫情的關係 全部撤掉 這個做法很棒 降低感染的機會
s linn (02/10/2021)
The size of this store is a small and medium-sized store in Quanlian, There are not many samples to choose from, but it can generally be satisfied The needs of life. If you want to buy specials, it is recommended to go to the shop early in the morning, at checkout Please pay attention to whether the bill price is the same as the pop poster? The clerk's attitude is quite polite, but occasionally it will automatically play The promotional sound of broken speakers gives uncomfortable noise. The mobile phone in the back half of the store has poor reception, China & Asia Pacific Telecom has no signal, if it can Improvement is even better.
松村香 (02/14/2021)
Now it’s not possible to report calls. Some customers really force the cashier to say yes. The cashier’s own mistake is really distressed. Will it be the same for you, your relatives, friends, or your children?
郭哲良 (03/16/2021)
Although the sparrow is small and has all internal organs, it has almost everything, but the only drawback is that it is difficult to park.
李鵬飛 (03/05/2021)
Compared with Quanlian in other places, the goods are a bit less, like large bottled beverages, and many brands are missing.
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