
Detailed Information
Веломастерская - ремонт велосипедов на ВДНГ
Веломастерская - ремонт велосипедов на ВДНГ
Веломастерская - ремонт велосипедов на ВДНГ
Danylo Antsybor (08/30/2020)
For the second Saturday I try to hand over the bicycle for repair here. Working hours do not correspond to reality, in the morning (around 11:00) no one is on the spot, the phone is not answered, the rental is answered that they do not know when it will be.
Денис «phnt» Лабунець (06/25/2020)
Good day! Excellent workshop, responsive master, professional in his field. Recommend!
Олексій (06/12/2020)
Liked it a lot! Fast and professional, I recommend!
Ольга (06/09/2020)
Very cool workshop! Thanks!
Олександр Уманський (06/03/2020)
Good workshop, everything is high quality and fast