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Concerned Jew (01/03/2018)
LiChvod Roshei HaYeshivah SHLIT”A,nShalom UVrachah.nnI understand that one of the Magidei Shiur at the Yarchei Kallah on “Lifnei Iver Lo Sitein Michshol” will be rabbi Zev Cohen of Chicago.nnUnfortunately, he was the party mainly responsible for the Chicago “eruv”:n•Which has been unanimously opposed by the Rashei HaYeshivos of Chicago because it is a series of Tzuros HaPesach in a Reshus HaRabim DeOreisa — a massive Chilul Shabbos BeFarhesia!n•My Rosh Yeshivah ZT”L said this “eruv” is Pasul LeChal HaDeyos!nnAs recommended by my Rosh Yeshivah ZT”L, we made a peaceful protest. Several uniformed police officers visited my home to arrest me! They said they were sent by rabbi Zev Cohen!nnWith Syata DiShmaya I convinced them to leave.nnHow can a modern-day “Yeraveam Ben Nevat” give a BMG Shiur on “Lifnei Iver…”???nnBeChavod Rav,nConcerned Jew
Eli Levovitz (07/23/2017)
Eli levovitz is using BMG and his connections to the rmy. To run a 9 yare multi million PonzinBe careful
michael schwartz (08/14/2013)
Rely special place
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