
Detailed Information
Mitchell D Flurry, MD
Mitchell D Flurry, MD
Mitchell D Flurry, MD
Kris Shaw (11/06/2020)
I had a double mastectomy, and Dr. Flurry did both my reconstruction and later diep flap surgery. I had a few minor setbacks with slow healing....but Flurry and team were always there to tackle whatever obstacle my body threw our way. I am extremely happy with the results, and appreciate everything Dr. Flurry, Chastity, and team have done for me.
Brandy Bell (07/30/2020)
Backstory....i have been dealing with some medical issues. I have had very few drs help me or try to figure out what is wrong. It has been a very long battle and I have had to literally fight for my life bc the drs would not. I need an extensive surgery on my sinuses that requires a plastic surgeon. He told me they were booking 2 months out, to schedule, and get my diabetes more under control. I have had these issues for probably 30 years I really felt like he cared. I was excited to be able to properly breath again. I called the endocrinologist, changed my meds, changed my diet, started an excersize program that I could do. I call the scheduler and she tells me that he told her he wont even schedule it until I get my diabetes under control. This upset me bc I finally had hope. This has affected my quality of life, who I am as a person. Its hard to feel good about yourself when you feel worthless bc you cant breath, making it hard to keep up with kids or do many activities. I had even explained to him how depressed I was over it. Anyway I figured it was a mistake so I called his office. The nurse said no that's how it was. I explained that we could schedule, and I could have my sugars better within a month. If not we could cancel and if they are busy enough to schedule 2 months out then they could surely find someone to take my spot. They had another month. I also did understand the need to have my sugars right first. I mentioned to the nurse ,with major tears bc now I am feeling defeated again that this is not a quality of life for anyone.I could not continue to live like this. To be honest I did not even know what that comment meant at the time but thinking dr Furry really cared I admitted I had been suicidal in the past. I was tired of being in pain. I was! I went directly to bed and slept. I was depressed. The next day a nurse calls me back and starts explaining again why. I said finei just want to sleep. I dont want to talk to anyone. I just want everyone to leave me alone and continue to sleep. I did not need for them to tell me no again. I got it. I did not have the energy to go over it again and I felt there was no point. We hung up and an hour later the police show up to check on me stating I made a suicidal comment the day before. My thoughts were if I was suicidal yesterday then why did you call today. Would I not have already been dead the next day? I felt like she was just upset she would not talk to me. I could be wrong but if she truly felt I was in danger she should have called the day the comment was made. She waited a whole day. I called and spoke to someone about it all. I told the lady I did not want her in trouble just educated. A week later I go to my ENT dr who btw is amazing along with her staff. They are the only reason I still use this facility. We are making decisions on what to do about these much needed surgeries and I tell her how my sugars are not even that out of control. She informs me that Dr Flurry refuses to work with me now. I am not sure I want him to but I dont think he should be able to refuse me a much needed surgery bc he misspoke and his staff are not educated. Is he also mad I turned him in? That is my right as a patient t but he is penalizing me for it. This is childish un professional behavior. I really though he cared about his patients but he does not. I would suggest using someone who cares and will not use your words against you. We may have to find a new dr but we will and I will get my surgery. I will also gell everyone I can about this as well as look into my options and rights.
Jenna Dickerson (02/21/2020)
I had a double mastectomy and he is doing my reconstruction. I am very pleased with the results so far. Only 2 weeks post op.
Miranda Camacho (10/11/2019)
This Dr didn't take time to consider what I was trying to explain to time, or what my medical issues where. He looked at me and judged me based on my looks alone. Very disappointed with my experience.
Nuflowerfarm (11/08/2017)
This amazing Dr did my breast reduction surgery. I am so pleased with the results. Entire staff is pleasant and very knowledgable. Love the office staff, nurses are the best and the Dr did an outstanding job! My first surgery and they made the process as good as it could be! Thank you! Highly recommend!
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