
Detailed Information
Miles City Fire Rescue
John Lauffer (10/01/2019)
On June 11 2003 our 1989 GMC conversion van burned on 94 around 48 miles east of town. We would like to thank this fine department for coming to our rescue that day. We were all able to get out of the van before it burned safely myself my wife and my four children will always be thankful for the kindness shown to my stranded family from Pennsylvania those many years ago. You came a long way out there to help us and the brave men that responded were nothing less than great. Thank you Miles City. The kids have all grown and have kids of there own and we will all have a special place in our hearts for what you did for our family that day.
David (04/06/2018)
Thank you for everything you do, risking your life everyday for the safety of others and the people around you. Going out into the world can be hard when it is on fire, but just know that you are not alone and we are right there with you fighting it hand-in-hand. Thank you and God bless!
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