
Detailed Information
Beyond Limits with Ralph Havens
Beyond Limits with Ralph Havens
Beyond Limits with Ralph Havens
Beyond Limits with Ralph Havens
Beyond Limits with Ralph Havens
Beyond Limits with Ralph Havens
Beyond Limits with Ralph Havens
Beyond Limits with Ralph Havens
Beyond Limits with Ralph Havens
Beyond Limits with Ralph Havens
Nancy Friedman (07/26/2014)
Ralph Havens Physical Therapy is amazing! I have seen him for several physical issues in the past and they have always been resolved perfectly. As a result of the Thursday e-mail group healing there was a fantastic financial gift that came my way...on that Thursday! Ralph and Jen are a wonderful pair-I cannot praise this practice enough!
Justin Nathan (09/06/2013)
Ralph is tapped in to the matrix! During our natural building workshop in Oregon, I was grateful for a couple sessions with him and the experience was extraordinarily rewarding. It's difficult to quantify, but I felt huge shifts -- physically, emotionally and energetically and I am certain that his sessions played a significant role in that. He has excellent intuition and insight about about where blockages are and how to release them. He is a clear channel with a big, compassionate heart and great skill. Thanks, Ralph!
Abigail McKinley (12/07/2014)
Ralph's work is truly cutting edge. I love that it is gentle but yet so effective. He is able to identify blockages that we personally may not be aware of and help shift it's energy into something new and full of possibilities. I was able to be a part of a group session that was fun, intriguing, and helpful for all involved. The free Thursday email sessions have show shifts as well. In particular my infant son has not been pooping regularly and after he was used as a surrogate that Thursday he pooped. And has been shortening the length of time in between BMs. Some other changes that I have experienced is the bringing of useful tools into my field. I have seen good changes come from Ralph's works and would recommend anyone to participate in a session and see what shifts for you. Thanks so much for your kindness Ralph and Jenn!
Cadie Lynn (08/19/2014)
My session with Ralph was a gentle yet potent healing experience. I was very curious about Matrix Energetics and really it proved to be subtly and obviously transformative. I felt held in a safe container and really enjoyed the whole process. Of course, the best part was how different my body felt at the end of the session: my neck was 95% less painful and my whole chest area was way more open and free, which I did not even realize was so locked up. The most fascinating and beautiful thing is that the following week huge changes happened for me in my life - positive and obvious changes in my work as well as in my personal life. Wow! Thank you Ralph! And I would recommend his healing work to all and anyone!
Thomas Toussant (09/21/2015)
I have always been an uptight person, meaning that my muscles were always contracted and tensed up. After several sessions with Ralph, my muscles have relaxed. As a result, here are several things that have been affected.nnMY POSTURE I have been trying to improve my posture for many years, but really never made any head way. Now I stand up and sit up straight and my shoulders are back where they should be. Now I hold my head up high. It feels great.nnRANGE OF MOTION My neck muscles have been hard and achy for over 45 years. In addition I had neck surgery a few years ago, and my neck has been pretty stiff with limited range of motion. My neck no longer aches from the tension and I can turn my head from side to side much further than I have been able to do for years.nnIMPROVED SLEEPING I am now able to sleep on my back without a pillow because it is comfortable to so. I had been snoring so loudly that my wife would not be able to get to sleep and many times it would wake me up as well. I also used to stop breathing periodically, which was worrisome for my wife. I am happy to say that my wife has not noticed my breathing being interrupted and my snoring is soft and no longer disruptive.nnJAW CHANGES I have had trouble with my jaw popping when chewing and grinding my teeth when sleeping. My jaw has found a new relaxed location. I no longer grind or clench my teeth in my sleep and my jaw rarely pops when I am chewing.nWalking I am 64 and was beginning to walk like an old man. I was hunched over and walked very stiffly. Now I feel like I walk upright and fluidly.nnSHORTNESS OF BREATH I was noticing that I was huffing and puffing just walking from my barn to my house. That is all gone and I am no longer short of breath.nnI am anxious to see what other changes I notice in the future.nnThanks Ralph for the major tune-up. I am ready for the next 30 years.
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