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Columbia City
Columbia City
Columbia City
Columbia City
Columbia City
Columbia City
Columbia City
Columbia City
Columbia City
Columbia City
Westin Miller (11/18/2016)
Comfortably sized split platform design. 13 seats on each side, and trash/recycle facilities for used tickets. Partially covered.
Randy Thorsell (07/22/2017)
Always on time for me easy to use. Thanks Seattle
Tammy Olsen (02/07/2018)
seattle public transportation sucks. not enough info for where to park, how you are going to have to pay, NOT easy for out of towners. have wasted so much time driving around for nothing!!!!!
tristan brown (03/27/2017)
Love having a train into the city.
Newsha Makooi (05/22/2017)
Easy access and clean.
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