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liz (10/04/2020)
I’m sure pelvic floor rehab helps but Kathy is a terrible match in therapist for men and women of me too and DV. privacy and control are crucial for support, recovery and safety. I hope this is maturely accepted. It has been deleted multiple times from Kathys reviews.nnI’m not sure why my review was taken down since I didn’t say anything disparaging about Kathy. She just doesn’t understand the sensitivity of me too or DV. Please keep this up for other men and women. They should know before starting rehab so they can determine a good fit in therapist. I’m posting this on Oct. 4 2020 at 4:25pm. Last time I gave my thoughts Stacey posted her thoughts within hours of mine which I thought was weird and only because of my low rating. I’m hoping that won’t happen again. all feedback should be received.
Canary Overlake (09/22/2020)
I work for OMC and am so disappointed to see our handling of patient feedback. We ignored patient feedback for months and then had the Director of Marketing and Public Relations (Felicia Garrett) write a fake patient review for Kathy Golic. How is that okay? At least it has since been removed.nnI agree with soliciting for authentic feedback, but after months of nothing we pull a half dozen glowing reviews out of no where in less than a week. We can do better OMC. I have worked here for 15 years and I have seen some questionable things but this is definitely why people don’t want to travel to Bellevue. Money, religious affiliation and ethnicity makes one persons word more valuable than the next. In this case our provider’s affiliations dismissed months of patient feedback. Wouldn’t it have been easier to just listen to people. Instead we continue to just bury the feedback.nnWould we have gone to the same effort for any of our providers that were of a different race or not Christian? In my time at OMC I’d say not. I’m not proud to be an employee right now.
Manish D (01/27/2020)
she was patronizing for our nationality and accents while being treated in 2017. time hasn’t changed anything. i also didn’t think it was kind or professional for her to tell me that her reception staff was lazy. i found sunny to be very kind while she tried to keep us informed of how late kathy would be. she made similar comments about the young woman in her other office. both women treated me and my husband respectfully. my family is still treated at overlake for day to day care and there are much better caring and respectful allied health professionals that aren’t arrogant and are team players with their coworkers or at least don’t make it obvious to their patients.
Anonymous Issaquah (12/28/2019)
Kathy is codependent - I’ve never had a doctor treat me like this. When a patient says not to do something and you are then frustrated they aren’t singing you praise and thank you for “going above and beyond” as you say you shouldn’t be surprised in their reaction. No means no. Listen to your patient and stick to physical therapy. You aren’t “saving” anyone with treatment they don’t want especially when it is WELL out of your expertise. I think confidence in your instance has turned into a dangerous ego. you aren’t a “hero” as you say for working with us poor and African women. By saying that you just show you don’t know the root of racism in that statement and your abuse of poverty or “missionary” tourism in Africa. I’m tired of ”professionals” using others for their benefit in image. Stop thinking you are better than other physical therapists that completed their doctorates. You have shown this patient nothing other than an us versus them mentality. When you do good as a way to boost your image rather than just treating people in general good anyways what’s the point. It has become about you. I will look for other options at Overlake that won’t brag brag BRAG at someone else’s expense. For the case worker that is a patient that works with the homeless - Kathy said out in the field - we should talk about your treatment.
Kim (12/12/2019)
Took a chance at pelvic floor treatment for pelvic pain with Katherine Golic not impressed at all. Scattered and disorganized beyond belief. I chose to see Tina Allen and got some relief and complete attention to my concerns. Had a friend in one of our pelvic floor support groups who was also treated by Katherine ask how she could also tell about her similar poor experience yesterday. Healthgrades seems to have deleted Katherines reviews. I guess either money can buy you out of a corner or Overlake is doing a PR stunt. It’s sad since all of the reviews I saw had good and easy feedback to work on. Be on time, bill fairly, focus on your patient rather than looking for constant praise, don’t violate patient privacy AKA HIPPA. “Saint” work is only that when we don’t require constant praise and attention. Do good when folks aren’t watching for once.
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