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Morris County School of Technology
Morris County School of Technology
Morris County School of Technology
Morris County School of Technology
Sandy D (05/05/2020)
Very disappointed that they can take away a child's dream and get away with it based on there scores!!!! Absent due to mono and then depressed really votech nice way to discrimate people!!!
Tom DuLude (08/14/2019)
What I want to know is how is the lunch food service? In the Mount Olive District maschio's Food Service is not recommended I really hope management steps up and takes a closer look at the Quality of the food being prepared for our children....
Stephen Halasnik (07/11/2018)
My son Michael just completed his senior year at MCST where he majored in Computer Science. The New “votech” schools are now the best schools in NJ and many more people taking notice. Mike just loved school & many of his Kinnelon friends later wished they had gone to MCST after hearing Mike’s experiences. The teachers where excellent & Mike’s CS teacher had 20+ years of experience in CS. Mike’s classmates where super smart and all the kids I met from MCST where very driven, focused & happy. Mike will be going to Boston Uni. & will be doing an accelerated MS in computer science. It was obvious to us that the education Mike got at MCST was far better then the education Mike would have gotten at any other HS. In Mikes senior HS year MCST pays for the kids to go to County college of Morris and it really allowed Mike to mature and be ready for college. Mike grew so much! If your kid knows what they might like to do in college and is more of the academic type then investigate MCST. You will be glad you made the decision.
Stephen Halasnik (10/23/2014)
My son is a freshman at the Morris Academy for Computer Science ( whish is not votech) . He has been at the school for 2 months so far and the school has been exactly what we thought it would be. In Summary, The teachers love teaching these students and the teachers are excellent, the kids are very focused and really want to learn, the students are very smart and the curriculum is very progressive, almost like a college. Also, these kids kick but scholastically when it comes to standardized test so the teachers don't have to teach to NJask, etc. On the needs improvement side the upper level administration isn't as organized and does communicate well. My son has made strong friendships already at the school but I wish the school did more to facilitate additional social gatherings,friendships and pride.nnMy son came from a very strong NJ school district (kinnelon which was ranked 8th in NJ monthly Magazine) and so it was a tough decision for us to consider MCST. My son came to us first when MCST came to his school to make a presentation. At first I told my son that MCST was for kids that where not going to go to college ( Votech) and then after further investigation, I found out that these academy's are some of the best schools in NJ with the highest SAT scores and almost 100% of the kids go to college. It still was a hard decision to consider MCST because I felt my son might miss out on our great local community but my son was a kid who really liked to learn and for the past 3 summers, he went to computer camp which he loved. He said Dad, it would be like going to computer camp year round. My attitude towards learning was that I wanted my son to be excited about learning and that I wanted to instill in him the love for lifelong learning. I felt MCST would do a better job of that then kinnelon and so far, I have been right.nnI really investigated the school, read up on it, went to 2 open houses, asked around and what I learned was that it was a great find and hard to get into. My son got into the school only after he was put on a waiting list and he had 7th/8th excellent grades and test scores. On a side note once Mike got into the school, we applied for honors classes and Mike didn't get any Honors classes even after I met with guidance.I learned that there was a lot of really smart kids going there but that the school had a policy that if your son gets 90 or better as a freshman, they can apply and will be automatically accepted in honors in his second year. Of Note, my son currently has a 97 average. There were a few instances where I thought that maybe it was best that Mike went to kinnelon instead but the thought that he was going to be doing something he loved ( computer science) drove our decision to stick with MCST. MCST is high school with the addition of a major area that you go to every day. MCST also does a pretty poor job of promoting itself and the staff at the school things that they are the best thing since slice bread with only the students/parents knowing about it. .nnI also thought the MCST might give my son a extra advantage when applying for colleges because these academy's are well known with the college admissions office and it shows a kid who is very focused, mature and smart.nnI will write again but so far, MCST has been a great experience for my son.
JenJen Home (10/19/2018)
Great programs
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