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Ocoee High School
Ocoee High School
brianny medina (04/07/2016)
Ocoee High School was the first to give their students laptops and it has been a wonderful success. All of Ocoee's students have all kinds of helpful information at the tip of their fingers. Ocoee High has improved in their academic performance and as a school as a whole because of their technological advancement over every other high school
Saleem Jumai (01/28/2018)
i am a freshmen who currently attends Ocoee High School, I just moved from New York around a month ago and you might think that I just don’t like the school, but in all honesty it’s horrible. I walk into first period and there’s no teachers, there hasn’t been one for a month and a half apparently so the students are learning nothing. The administration gives up laptops and expects us to know what to do with no instruction. My grades are not transferred and currently I am failing classes because I have no instruction and the teachers don’t teach, they expect you to know what to do instantly. Being a straight A students who’s been on the honor roll ever since 2nd grade having grades that are in the 70s and even lower is a shock since this has never happened... even in the highschool I was in for 2 months I was flying with colors. At this school (keep in mind I have been here for around a month to a month and a half) I have witnessed 5 fights already. Even some staff members watch on and do nothing. There is a kid who sells weed in my 4th period class, and the school sides more with athletics rather than academics, they can simply care less about your learning because they care too much about who won the game last night. It’s sad that I have to attend this school for another 3 years, Now I’m nervous because who knows if I’ll get into the colleges I really want to go to. Don’t send your child here, I think Olympia would be better and I’ll try to get into Olympia. Thank you for your time and trust me when I say that this school is no good.
Ruben Soto (09/09/2018)
Honestly I graduated this school two year earlier and honestly it’s THE WORST FOUR YEAR OF MY LIFE, I honestly won’t never forgot my time and energy.
Cassandra Moreno (04/07/2016)
Ocoee High School is a great school and all of the school faculty is very friendly and helpful. Ocoee high school does a lot to get all of their students involved with the different clubs and sport organizations.
Al S. (11/17/2015)
Ahhhh good ol ocoee...glad i left when i could (Class of 2k13)
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