
Detailed Information
Normandy High School
Normandy High School
Normandy High School
Normandy High School
Normandy High School
Normandy High School
Normandy High School
Normandy High School
Anita Holbrook (03/08/2018)
How long does it take to enroll a student we have been waiting a week and nothing I ud83eudd14 no child left behind, we have nothing good to say but someone has clearly dropped the ball on this 1 by the time he gets in school it will be spring break. So sad. 2/26 til 3/8 still no word yet & I call everyday. Sad just sad.
Eric Wilson (01/05/2016)
Huge gym stadium. District is doing some great things this year.
Dymond Girl (04/23/2018)
I love this school.
demetrius jones (05/17/2016)
Ghetto from what I heard might as well be public
E. Blair (04/24/2017)
Great school
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