
Detailed Information
Toshia Charles (11/09/2017)
This is very strong on grades and kids having problem they stay on them. So that can do good in the future. On whatever the kids wants to be or wants to do in life.
Angelina Strickland (03/22/2018)
I went to this school and it was the best school I ever attended
Aleah Walton (11/07/2016)
yeboi iz nu boi 4 ye boi vote tromp!
dayday 2 lovable (03/08/2017)
I go to this school and it is great but they are rudeud83dude02ud83dude02ud83dude02ud83dude02including me
Nij Tur (09/09/2013)
I'm that went there it is alwsome
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