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Willamina Free Methodist Church
Geneva Wymore (12/15/2019)
A very loving & caring community church family.
Steven Hope (10/21/2020)
Amazing place
Dirk Xanicom (06/25/2019)
Okay so this is not going to be very popular with anyone but here goes, it's organized religion people. If people want to act like sheep then join an organized religious group that turns you into a sheeple. organized religion is what has taught governments all over the world how to treat their citizens by telling them that if they don't obey the law they'll go to prison well organized religion taught that if you don't obey the law of whoever it happens to be rewriting the Bible at that time then you're going to go to hell. It's bullying its scare tactics and it's based on a book that is cause more death more misery and more problems for our entire planet than any other text in history or any other things that matter. Religion is a divisive tool used by governments and people who want to maintain power over others. Think for yourself you don't need somebody else to tell you what to think use your common sense we all have it it's just that some of us don't choose to use it and others are just too lazy we need to be held more accountable for ourselves rather than for the organizations we which we belong to. No one on this planet should have the right to tell you how to live your life nobody and no one should ever have the ability to do that yet is happens century after century after century. It's time to stop this Insanity people start thinking for yourself.
Angela Radonski /simmons (06/12/2018)
I walk using a walker and the first thing I notice about a business is how heavy or lite their doors are. But I couldn't tell with Willamina Free Methodist Church because the doors were already open. I took a seat at the back of the church. We started the service with singing then the pastor said a prayer then got right into the service. It was a little dry of a service for me and I almost fell asleep once. How embarrassing is that? The service got over and I can't recall what the service was about. There weren't too many people there mostly older people in the crowd. I met the pastor as I was exiting the building because he was shaking hands with everyone leaving the building.nIf you're looking for a laid back kind of a church then The Willamina Free Methodist Church would be a good one for you to go to.
Crystal Dryer (06/07/2019)
Pastor Sam is pretty awesomeud83dude01
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