
Detailed Information
Jean Romero (07/25/2020)
I appreciate the personal appeal of the Mallettes business. Neighbors and other farmers share information there. Everyone posts on the bulletin board and it has become a great reference for the community. We always try to give our local small businesses continued patronage. The Mallettes have served this community for decades, its an honor to be able to make a purchase from them, and say hello.
Sandra Rivera (02/24/2020)
The heating pellets at Mallettes are the best I’ve used. The service is personable and friendly. The great thing is the pellets get delivered for free in town. I don’t have a truck so this service is so convenient!!
J.M.R 84 (02/24/2020)
Great quality feed, friendly people and great service. Wonderful family owned business
Danny Vigil (02/24/2020)
Pellets are definitely the best in town for a great price and you cant beat the free deliver definitely cant beat that service....
Denise Sena (02/24/2020)
Mallette Feed Store has the best pillets in town. Friendly service and free deliv ddelivery
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2411 4th St NW, Albuquerque, NM 87102, USA
+1 505-203-9096
225 Menaul Blvd NW, Albuquerque, NM 87107, USA
+1 505-344-3558