
Detailed Information
Tran Van Bao high schools
Tran Van Bao high schools
Tran Van Bao high schools
Tran Van Bao high schools
Tran Van Bao high schools
Tran Van Bao high schools
Tran Van Bao high schools
Tran Van Bao high schools
Phương Hoa Đỗ (03/22/2017)
Love you
Hien Nguyen (09/12/2013)
do hoang (09/14/2018)
School students overflows many inexplicable. Organized 20/11 that a class spent 16 million to give gifts to teachers. Is this too much?
Trung Trần (07/05/2016)
Founded in 2007, bearing the name of a poet in the Mac dynasty. The first school year has 11 classes so far this year with 20 classes.
ShopThoalan Le (07/25/2015)
fcgfetgfgfffygcdfyretfdfyydrydffgfcfffdddtgcftffftgggftfcccccfffrrtucxryuffthhggvgggytyggffyhjbhgtrrffhuihhhhytfgggyyuuuuyyhcrthuy vbhrhxhxhdhdhhxhdhxh, hdheheusjejshzhdhhehdhdhdhhrhsuzhshehhehehehehdudhueudjdgirixjbrhfhrhdhxhrhxhdhdhfbhdhehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehhehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehhihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihiihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihiityhgrcvbvcccgtjdhshehdhxhxhhdhrhchdhbrhdhdchhf rbfhyrbrhdyhdrhdydhhrjrhhhehehehhehehehdhhehhdh e hhdhrhdjxjjdnrjdjhdhxhxhrbdhhxhrhxhehuxhdhdhh, jrbtbhrhhahehehehend, ndjdhehhesjejejeh nghenhhj ex bdbbebehehehhehhhjjfjuffjfopfpfjneippppppppplxhaqqaazsxdbcnvnmbmbihjvkbkjj nest damage if security gd Thump
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