
Detailed Information
  • Place Types Travel agency
  • Address 4 Đường Trần Quốc Toản, Phường Hải Châu 1, Quận Hải Châu, Thành Phố Đà Nẵng, Hải Châu 1, Hải Châu, Đà Nẵng 550000, Vietnam
  • Coordinate 16.0660552,108.2242799
  • Website http://danangbackpackertourist.com/
  • Rating Unknown
  • Compound Code 368F+CP Hải Châu District, Da Nang, Vietnam
Văn Phòng Giao Dịch Dịch Vụ Du Lịch Diệp Trân Tourist
Văn Phòng Giao Dịch Dịch Vụ Du Lịch Diệp Trân Tourist
Văn Phòng Giao Dịch Dịch Vụ Du Lịch Diệp Trân Tourist
ub3c4ubaa9ud658 (07/15/2019)
Da Nang BackPacker Tourist Cheapest & Quality Danang is a local travel agency. I went to Barnhill and went to the city for a while and looked around for a local travel agent. The next day we will apply for a tour and exchange money. She looks at her daughter-in-law and tells her about her new job at the office.
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