
Detailed Information
Kolu manor
Kolu manor
Kolu manor
Kolu manor
Kolu manor
Kolu manor
Anatoly Ko (02/14/2013)
Kolu, Türi vald, Järvamaa 58.801449, 25.264182 58 ° 48 '5.22 ", 25 ° 15' 51.06" From the Kolu manor, which, according to the data from 1866, was part of the Viisu manor, nothing has survived to this day. The formation of the manor and its environs took place in 1794, the owner of the manor was Gustav Friedrich von Engelhardt, who built the first park, which was formed based on scientific research, not far from the Colu River. After numerous sales transactions, in 1875, Eduard von Middendorff became the owner of the manor; he owned the manor until 1903. The latter set the main task of improving the surroundings of the manor, the park, the beauty of the building and compatibility with the landscape. A little later, he hired an assistant, a Baltic German, architect Erwin Bernhardt (1852-1914), whose skill we can observe in Tallinn buildings. Bernhardt also took care of the architectural design of the Kolu Manor Park. According to his ideas, a new manor house was built (1880-90), which has survived to this day, but with major restructures. Initially, the building was reminiscent of a mixture of renaissance and other elements in style. Renaissance style elements can also be seen in the park. The new manor house was a two-story red brick building, located on the steep slope of the Colu River. The house was covered with a rather low plucked roof with a wide canopy, richly decorated. The walls were divided by several horizontal intermediate brick belts and cornices. The main entrance is characterized by high quadrangular columns. At the back of the building was a balcony, from which only a granite terrace and staircase were preserved. In the house itself, attention is drawn through the image of the floor of the foie. In 1905, the manor house of Kolu Manor was badly damaged, however, no fires affected him ..
Andreas (07/22/2017)
Beautiful nature
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