
Detailed Information
Sagamihara Kyodo Hospital
Sagamihara Kyodo Hospital
Sagamihara Kyodo Hospital
Sagamihara Kyodo Hospital
Sagamihara Kyodo Hospital
Sagamihara Kyodo Hospital
Sagamihara Kyodo Hospital
Sagamihara Kyodo Hospital
Sagamihara Kyodo Hospital
Sagamihara Kyodo Hospital
ちょこみんと (11/18/2020)
It was the worst hospital. My husband was taken by emergency, but he left it. My husband was vomiting in the treatment room many times while his consciousness was not clear, but he did not respond even though he called a nurse and a doctor many times. I think it's too terrible. I couldn't choose a hospital because it was an emergency, but I don't want to go to such a hospital if I can. The accounting was also waited for nearly two hours. My sick husband also had to wait for two hours in a heavy crowd. Both doctors and nurses are cold and look down on people. In all, it is an impossible hospital.
慈円道遍楽 (11/09/2020)
About 1 month My family was hospitalized. Nurse San, Nurse San, Nursing Welfare Worker San Mr. Social Worker. First aid staff. Everyone is kind Thank you very much. Also for respiratory medicine teachers I am grateful. He was a good teacher. For painful patients and anxious families The story of snuggling up Thank you very much. Not only gentle, but the current state, About what can be considered in the future He taught me politely. Patients and families I visit the hospital with problems and anxiety. There are so many things I don't understand and I have to worry Help us in such trouble Thank you to everyone at such a hospital From my heart I want to express my gratitude. Even in the difficult corona Everyone who supports patients and their families Thank you very much m (_ _) m Under these circumstances, to everyone I'm sorry I couldn't express my gratitude directly The procedure for admission and discharge is time-consuming To act with plenty of time I recommend it.
Googleユーザー (12/15/2020)
竹内秀和 (09/05/2020)
Two months ago, when my dad found a tumor in his lungs, I was very shocked and depressed, but I was relieved to have it removed by surgery to remove the tumor. Currently, it is a difficult day with the new coronavirus, but for doctors and medical staff at the cooperative hospital, I really appreciate it on behalf of my father, Everyone at the cooperative hospital, please take good care of yourself and continue to help the patients, Thank you very much.
Shinichi (12/06/2020)
相模原市緑区の地域に根ざした大規模病院です 常に混み合っておりますが、皆様時間に余裕を持って来院しましょう 大規模病院は混んで当たり前です、混み具合に不満を持つなら医院なりクリニックにでも行った方が良いですよ! 大規模になりすぎての駐車場キャパ不足と隣接道路の駐車待ち渋滞、なるべく公共交通機関なりタクシーを使用しましょう! 職員の皆様は大変親切です、先生方も安心で信頼しております 来院される患者もワガママ不平不満文句ばかり素直になりましょう お互い人間です、ロボットではないですからね! 日本で初めて武漢肺炎(COVID-19、コロナ)の患者を受け入れた名誉ある病院です、現在も屋外にテントを常設しCOVID-19の疑いのある患者を受け入れてるようです、感染対策はかなり厳重です! R3年1月より職業大跡地にて新相模原協同病院としてオープンします 駅からは離れますが、バス等の接続も含め柔軟に対応していただけるようです、新病院楽しみです! 現病院の跡地はしばらくCOVID-19用に転用されるのか、もしくは解体の道なのか?分院としての機能も残すような気もしますが!?
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