
Detailed Information
Tama-Hokubu Medical Center
Tama-Hokubu Medical Center
Tama-Hokubu Medical Center
Tama-Hokubu Medical Center
Tama-Hokubu Medical Center
Tama-Hokubu Medical Center
Tama-Hokubu Medical Center
Tama-Hokubu Medical Center
Tama-Hokubu Medical Center
Tama-Hokubu Medical Center
Sandy Nishiiri (01/03/2018)
I got a kind of (polyp) ポリープ at the maxilla after ate the hotpot, actually I burn the skin of upper jaw bone often if eating too hot stuffs and was recovered by itself as usual, but not this time! It was painful at first few days, I went to see dentist where nearby and be informed that was no problem after x-ray. However it still had being pain and red, then I went to another dentists who could handle oral issue, he gave me the referral letter to Tama Hokubu Medical Center in Kiyose. I thought that was small issue, but dental surgeon (五月女寛明先生) said that had to further examine rather cancer or not before surgery! Luckily it wasn’t cancer, an surgery was proceed by him after got the result in 2 weeks. Finally, I am very appreciated 五月女先生; he is not only smart and caring, but also friendly and considerate, even I am a foreigner but he treated me the way same as Japanese, very professional. He explained the procedure very clear step by step, even came over the hospital when he wasn’t on duty that day because of me! Also thanks for the nurses over there, they are very friendly and helpful as well.
ゆりかもめ (12/13/2020)
この度、親知らずの抜歯手術のため初めてこちらの病院を受診しました。 抜歯手術を行って下さった若そうな女の先生の評価だけでしたら星5だったのですが待ち時間&口腔外科受付の人の評価も合わせると星2でした。 抜歯手術は右上で埋伏歯だったので顎の骨の一部を切除して行うもので正直ちょっと怖かったのですが… わかりやすく丁寧な説明と、何より術後の痛みがほとんどなくて他と比べようがないけど、おそらく先生の腕が良かったのだろうと思っています。 手術時間も局所麻酔で20分位であっという間でした。 先生、ありがとうございました! ただ、初診の時がもう本当にびっくりしたのですが予約して行ったのに一時間半待ったあげく2分程で終わり あまりにびっくりしたので受付の人に聞いたら『みなさん初診の方はそうしておられますので…』と言われて、それ予約の意味ある?と思いました… 他3回も平均20分位は予約時間よりプラスして待ちました。(ちなみに初診(だけ午前10時台)の時以外は16時予約で夕方の時間帯です) それと眼鏡をかけた受付の人なのですが刺々しい態度というか… 正直、丁寧さはなかったです。 いくつか会話をしたときに悪い人ではないんだろうなとは思いましたけど… それと、4回通った中で一度だけ診察前に検温をして下さいと言われてはかったときがあったのですが 私は平熱が37℃以上あり、その時にも37℃あったので正直に伝えたところ 『37℃ですかぁ、もう一回はかりましょう!』と言われたので 『平熱が37℃あるので何回はかっても同じだと思います…すみません…』と伝えると 入り口にあるおでこをかざしてはかる検温器で念のためはかってきてくださいと言われて そこで36.6℃がでた事を伝えると 『わかりました…そちらでお掛けください』と言われ終わったのですが イスで座って待っている間に受付の中で話してる声が聞こえてきて 『あそこの計測で36.6℃も高いよね?』 『わかるー!あそこって35℃後半とか(高く)でても36℃とかだよね!?あはは』みたいな会話をしていてちょっと嫌な気持ちになりました。 というかじゃああの計測器意味なくない? よほどの高熱の人以外みんな平熱の値が出ちゃうじゃん…と思いました… それ以外の予約変更の電話の方や書類受付、会計受付の方等はごく普通でむしろちょっと丁寧な感じでありがたかったです。
久恵 (08/04/2020)
This was introduced by the clinic and visited the hospital. In the gynecology department, Dr. was examined by one person, but since we had a basic reservation system, there was no waiting time and we listened well, so I was relieved and reliable. Both sides were undergoing tests for treatment that they were satisfied with, but suddenly the treatment policy changed and it became confusing and confusing. I don't understand the meaning of the expensive inspection over time, and the explanation is vague. It seemed that the policy of prolonging the treatment had been replaced, and Dr. became unreliable and offered a second opinion and switched to a general hospital in Tokyo. There is only a feeling of distrust right now, and I cannot recommend it.
yoshi riri (07/27/2020)
The other day, I examined a one-year-old child. I had a high fever for 3 days, and I couldn't stop crying for more than 2 hours on that day, and since there weren't any hospitals on public holidays, I consulted by telephone. Even over the phone, the nurse listened carefully to me and was kind. 10 minutes before I arrived, I suddenly stopped crying, and I felt awkward to have medical treatment. It was. In addition, I would like you to check here in case of a public holiday or an emergency at night.
Edita X (02/01/2020)
[About hospitalization] ・ There is no locker or refrigerator except the special room. There is a storage space above the turning table and above it. (Should clothing be minimized) (x) ・ There is no toilet in each room. (△) ・ The stalls are at the minimum level, which makes the kiosk at the station slightly larger. (Electronic payment methods are somehow substantial) (△) ・ All the staff are kind and the work is exciting. (◎) ・ But the schedule is not kept in every case, because the number of people is not enough. 3 hours behind the scheduled inspection time or Zara. (×) ・ Visit time is very long from 7 to 21:00. (○) ・ Personal computers cannot be used except in special rooms (smartphones and tablets are OK) (×) The hospitalization experience here is the fourth case (times), but I can not recommend it very much.
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