
Detailed Information
Setagaya Chuo Hospital
Setagaya Chuo Hospital
Setagaya Chuo Hospital
Setagaya Chuo Hospital
Setagaya Chuo Hospital
Setagaya Chuo Hospital
Setagaya Chuo Hospital
Setagaya Chuo Hospital
Setagaya Chuo Hospital
Setagaya Chuo Hospital
Shamclone (02/22/2020)
I am here now, I first came here maybe four years ago when I had tonsillitis. Before I came to this hospital, I went to a clinic and that hack of a doctor said i had the flu and gave me medicine, he was wrong and I was out of pocket and I had to cancel a trip to Taiwan as a result. My temperature reached over 40 degrees and I went to another hospital. It looked new, it looked nice, but because it was golden week, they couldn't do any blood tests. I forked out my money for the "doctor" just to tell me "maybe it is tonsillitis". Finally I came here, I should have come here first, they did the blood tests, the doctor and staff were friendly and they gave me an IV and antibiotics for tonsillitis and I got better very quickly. So, I am here again now for my health check up and they have been very friendly and efficient. The hospital looks old, it doesn't look very stylish, but I got better, I got healthy and I was treated well! I always choose this place now.
Niamatullah Dawlatzai (04/11/2018)
It is good for primary care.
M Satow (12/09/2020)
Although it is small, it has abundant inspection equipment such as MRI. Weekdays are especially vacant, so health checkups end very quickly. The family says that blood sampling is insanely good.
馬車道斎 (11/22/2020)
職員ではありませんが近しかった人間です。 まず地元の人は基本的にこの病院を使いません。 だいたいは関東中央病院か駒沢病院に行きます。ここに紹介状を書く開業医は信用ならないと言われているくらいです。 病棟は薄暗く昼間でも夜のようで、くすんだグリーンの壁がなおいっそう恐怖を増します。 医師も言うことが二転三転で薬ばっかり出そうとします。とにかく薬を出します。多剤処方なんのそのです。某認知症の貼り薬を世田谷区で一番出してるのはうちの病院だと自慢げに話しているのを聞いたことがあります。正直なんの自慢かもわかりません。 ここにかかるのは死期を早めたい老人くらいではないでしょうか。 どうして救急指定されているかもわからないです。 妻の妊娠に伴い引っ越すのでもう近くはなくなりますが、あまりにひどい病院だったので書き込ませていただきました。
〇〇〇〇 (12/19/2020)
A hospital at a level that I once told "Please stop only Setagaya Chuo Hospital" at the time of emergency. Perhaps because of the dirty and old work environment in the hospital, the nurses were basically frustrated, and when I saw the broken windowpanes taped, I caught them. Cigarettes smoked by doctors and nurses have leaked out (I don't know now)
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