
Detailed Information
Shimada Hospital
Shimada Hospital
Shimada Hospital
Shimada Hospital
Shimada Hospital
Shimada Hospital
Shimada Hospital
Shimada Hospital
Shimada Hospital
Shimada Hospital
T H (12/18/2020)
【前十字靭帯と半月板】 7月に怪我をして、手術するかどうか考えた末に10月に手術しました。 感想としてはまず病院が綺麗で、受付〜精算までほぼ機械で済ますのでスムーズです。 整形では昔から人気と実績ともにある病院なので、待ち時間はかなーーーり長いときもしばしば… 予約の意味あるん?ってぐらい待つ時待ちます。 現在術後10週間で、リハビリもほぼ筋トレメニューになってきました。 担当の先生は若い先生ですが、とてもよくしてくださり、リハビリの担当の方もスパルタですがよくしてくれています。 入院中のスタッフの方々は、忙しくてイライラしがちな人もいれば愛想の良い人もいてるしそこは千差万別です。 入院中の食事は美味しいですし、量も多くてまずい印象とは遠いものでした。 昔から知ってる病院ですが、やっぱり良い病院だと思います。 めっちゃ儲かってんねやろなぁ…
浮田豊美 (09/08/2020)
Go to the examination.
UY RL (11/07/2020)
This hospital seems to have a good reputation because professionals also come. Probably because of that, there is a considerable amount of waiting time and I am prepared. It took 4 hours before the renovation. It's okay to be close, but that's really the neck. Recently, it may have been relaxed due to a change in the system. I have had a pain in my daughter's knee for a long time, so I was examined. The test is a symptomatic treatment because no abnormalities are found. To be honest, I don't really know if it's in line with the reputation.
吉田聡 (08/29/2020)
I hurt my wrist in an accident and didn't feel any pain, and I couldn't do muscle training while playing sports, so I was referred by the hospital I was attending, but it was the worst. X-ray and MRI show that the main bone is no longer abnormal, so the pain will be reduced soon, so I will not investigate the cause of the pain. There is a small piece of bone next to the big bone, which may be the cause, but it will disappear soon. I was told that even though I had pain, if I continued to train for sports, the pain would eventually go away, and I didn't understand what it meant. I can't train because it hurts ... I decided to have it checked at another hospital. Although it is a plastic surgery, it was the first time for me to be such a suitable doctor because I had a bad attitude.
木本陸 (05/17/2020)
I was hospitalized for surgery and rehabilitated, but it was very good. The rice is delicious and the facilities are beautiful. The nurse, the doctor, the rehabilitation teacher, and the receptionist were all kind and kind. By the way, I had an operation of the front cross, but I was able to return to the first line of sports without problems!
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