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Wesselerbrink Tandartspraktijk
Isa Alvarez (06/11/2019)
I just moved to Enschede and I needed a dentist appointment. Just had my first time over there and have to say it’s really a nice place. Very comfortable and hospitable, the doctor and the assistants could talk to me in English and even a little spanish which made it really comfortable for me as a new comer. Definitely would recommend coming here for any tooth problem, they are always attentive and helpful. Looking forward to more good experiences there! Thanks.
Jasmin Alhashemi (03/08/2021)
Het is inmiddels jaren geleden, maar de schade draag ik ook al die tijd bij me. Deze arts had mij (toen een tiener) een wortelkanaalbehandeling gegeven (waarvan ik nu overigens ten zeerste betwijfel dat ik die nodig had) en toen ik meermaals aangaf dat ik pijn had zei hij dat dat niet kan, ik goed verdoofd was en me niet aan moest stellen. Hij ging hardhandig door. De rekening was honderden euro's en dezelfde avond zat ik huilend bij de spoeddienst omdat, ondanks ibuprofen, de pijn ondraaglijk was. Ik was ontroostbaar. Ik heb jaren niet kunnen eten aan die kant van mijn gebit. Ik ben mijn gebit als tiener compleet gaan verwaarlozen omdat ik zo veel pijn had dat ik niet eens durfde te poetsen; als ik er niet mee bezig was leek mijn gebit minder gevoelig. Pas toen ik uit huis ging en verhuisde naar een andere stad en daar een spoedgeval had ben ik weer bij een tandarts geweest. Als er geen spoedzaak was had ik het denk ik nooit gedurfd. En inmiddels heb ik ervaren dat dit niet normaal is, dat er sympathieke artsen bestaan en dat pijnloos behandelen normaal is. Zelfs wortelkanalen die ik later heb gehad (door de verdrietige schade die ik heb opgelopen na de verwaarlozing door dit alles) deden geen of amper pijn. De nieuwe arts in kwestie is al 4 jaar bezig met alles oplappen, en dat gaat gelukkig goed. Zo te zien hebben mensen nu wel iets positiefs te zeggen over Bremer, wie weet hoe het nu zit, maar ik kan me gewoon niet voorstellen dat iemand die hiertoe in staat is (en aan de beoordelingen te zien veelvuldig toe in staat is) Γ³Γ³it een behandelaar kan zijn die je vertrouwt. Gewoon niet zuiver.
Yasemin (08/13/2020)
Today had a treatment and treated very badly and rude it was a facing that had come loose I had made an appointment to have it stuck in the system it went wrong they have put that a piece of my molar was loose! which was absolutely not the case and I had also indicated not to do side things because this dentist loves extra things and sends very high bills that I was not waiting for! final score the dentist spent 1 hour on 1 facing? there was something wrong so I asked what it was doing he said your whole tooth is broken had to do it all again and your facing did not fit like that, yes? my tooth is not broken! he said yes go to Turkey I will make time for you I will not continue to work here he threw the door very hard I stood there with a facing that is wrongly pasted on my TOOTH! he just has a facing that was already broken from me that I would have made abroad, completely removed (broken piece) and glued on the tooth where it should not be! I now have facing tooth facing effect terrible this I was not helped properly nobody knew what to do what a bad service this is not the first time that he has been so rude with customers I was there with half work left behind my tooth hurts and is totally ruined !! he did not want to help me bad dentist but stop your work !! absurd this! Sender Esra.
Marcha Kleine (03/20/2020)
Recently visited the dentist again and was helped very well. About 2 years ago I came here and my teeth were quite bad. With good advice I bought an electric toothbrush and my gums are finally calm again. Also have all old filling removed and refilled. I started it with a good plan. For the first time in my life, I'm less afraid of the dentist. And what I really like is that the ladies who work there are incredibly friendly and the dentist and the ladies understand their profession well. Thank you
Luisa Icka Pakarati (06/11/2019)
This tandarst practice is very patient oriented, friendly, helpful and understanding. The assistants and the tandarst gave me a very good feeling even if the toothache broke me. Helped as quickly as possible and of course after a little inflammation I still had some pain afterwards - as is very normal with inflamed teeth / carrots / etc. - but the antibiotics and mouthwash I received helped me quickly. Understanding of anxiety / uncertainties / etc. and they explain everything to you in detail if you want. I can only recommend this dental practice! And if there are people who say that only money is made here or that they are not doing their best - these people must indeed go where else! This practice, tandarst and assistants are TOP! Recommendation level: 10 of 10! πŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘ŒπŸΌπŸ‘ŒπŸΌ
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