
Detailed Information
DDH Advocatuur
DDH Advocatuur
Arno Baas (12/16/2020)
I am glad that I got to know this lawyer through her old colleague !! Otherwise I would never have gotten to know my lawyer, whom I have now fortunately for a while, Mrs. D de Haan. And probably without a normal relationship with my own son, I would have long given up hope with my previous lawyer! And had there been only 1 REAL LOSER in this pathetic selfish battle between his father and his mother, OUR OWN SON, now 8 years old. Who ABSOLUTELY NOT DESERVED this long and painful battle between his own parents !! IN ORDER TO BE RAISED AS A SMALL CHILD AMONG ALL THOSE LIES!
noud struijk (06/28/2020)
Neat service and treatment
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