
Detailed Information
Kościół pw. Najświętszego Serca Jezusowego i św. Marii Małgorzaty Alacoque
Kościół pw. Najświętszego Serca Jezusowego i św. Marii Małgorzaty Alacoque
Kościół pw. Najświętszego Serca Jezusowego i św. Marii Małgorzaty Alacoque
Kościół pw. Najświętszego Serca Jezusowego i św. Marii Małgorzaty Alacoque
Kościół pw. Najświętszego Serca Jezusowego i św. Marii Małgorzaty Alacoque
Kościół pw. Najświętszego Serca Jezusowego i św. Marii Małgorzaty Alacoque
Kościół pw. Najświętszego Serca Jezusowego i św. Marii Małgorzaty Alacoque
Kościół pw. Najświętszego Serca Jezusowego i św. Marii Małgorzaty Alacoque
Kościół pw. Najświętszego Serca Jezusowego i św. Marii Małgorzaty Alacoque
Kościół pw. Najświętszego Serca Jezusowego i św. Marii Małgorzaty Alacoque
12serwal (10/03/2020)
A parish with a very high pastoral level. Each subsequent Pastor, starting from the late Biskup Kulik, by priest Rycerski, infulat Dąbrowski and the current priest. Patera built a strong community, but also took care of the appearance of the church. Recently, all the doors to the church have been replaced and the entrance stairs have been renovated. It is important that during a pandemic, the faithful were given the opportunity to confess in a specially dedicated room, with particular care for keeping the distance from the Confessor and sanitary requirements. The parish is also distinguished by the wonderful sound of the renovated organs and very talented organists. This is the parish of my childhood, to which I come back more and more often because of the prevailing climate conducive to prayer as well as pastoral and aesthetic values.
bogdana graczyk (08/26/2020)
DIFFICULT to write about the church that it's cool. But here it is: Mass is well planned, even for those who, for various reasons, cannot attend during the day. The last mass is at the end of the day and it is very praise to me. Besides, it is very versatile, priests are very friendly to the faithful, and most of all, confession is isolated, free to have contact with a confessor, and above all, Holy Communion, separated in separate lines for those who choose one or another form of receiving HER. For all this, I have great respect for this church.
Adam Przymusiała (12/12/2020)
Location and dates of the Holy Mass quite ok. The atmosphere during the mass was quite sad.
Edward Łoszewski (08/21/2020)
People, how can you judge the church? What may or may not be liked? Building, Air, Mood or Priest? You can pray anywhere.
Marzena czach (09/01/2020)
Incorrect opening hours on the Internet
Similar place
plac Wolności 2, 21-500 Biała Podlaska, Poland