
Detailed Information
Parque de Campismo Fuzeta
Parque de Campismo Fuzeta
Parque de Campismo Fuzeta
Parque de Campismo Fuzeta
Parque de Campismo Fuzeta
Parque de Campismo Fuzeta
Parque de Campismo Fuzeta
Parque de Campismo Fuzeta
Parque de Campismo Fuzeta
Parque de Campismo Fuzeta
John Herbert Melton (02/22/2021)
Wish people would stop telling the media how good Fuseta is ,it will get so busy and be ruined ,only been here 7/8 years and is already to busy in in the summer ,.Rest of year is is just o/k .
Sham Bells (10/26/2020)
Nice area, cafes bars close by, campsite cafe food good. No complaints
Kelvyn Skee (K2LVN) (10/20/2019)
Busy camping / caravan site. Popular with long term residents. Excellent security, all the facilities you would expect as standard plus popular cafe/bar. Heavy duty washing machines and drying area. So close to the beach it’s practically on it. Large choice of restaurants and bars nearby.
Stichting STIDIS (07/02/2020)
Far from manning the reception and barrier at Fuseta's Parque de Campismo to render a service to vanners and campers, the staff seem to be there purely to enforce rules and vent small-minded prejudice. Tourism Gestapo. During the lockdown, circumstance put me, a 60 year old single woman with COPD, and my bus on the public road. I parked outside of the campsite where at least there were some friendly faces and folk who'd been here a while and knew the area and the ropes. There was no way my bus was allowed onto the campsite but equally, there was no way I could fend for myself entirely. At the very least, I need to empty my organic toilet bucket and replenish some 10 litres of water every day. Posso usar a casa de banho? I ask the receptionist. I get a head shake. I grab an empty 5 litre water jug, hold it up and say 'posso tomar aqua'? Again, a head shake. I move the jug as if to hand it to the woman and say 'Pode você'? She howls with laughter and yells 'if you want something in Portugal, you ask in Portuguese, got it'? That's disgusting. Denying someone their human rights, never mind someone who is at least trying, is disgusting. After the lockdown, too, staff behaved less than reasonable. Coming to visit a friend and spending the evening spending money at the bar is fine but lo and behold if you dare to use the loo! Clearly, every visit to the loo is a planned event for these robotic muscle-morons and should be cleared with staff. Calmly explaining you have lung disease and bowel control is not a given at all times makes no difference. One word against their sayso and they'll threaten you to boot. They're going to call the police and force you to move your van; you're not allowed to visit your friends again etc etc. There was a time when the customer was king. There was a time when kindness met with kindness and courtesy with courtesy. There was a time when Latins were laid-back easy going folk. Clearly Fuseta never held any such rules in particularly high regard. If you're a nodding hat shelf doggie, by all means park up here. If you're a free human being, I'd say find somewhere else.
Manuel Ni (09/10/2020)
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