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German Fountain
German Fountain
German Fountain
German Fountain
German Fountain
German Fountain
German Fountain
German Fountain
German Fountain
German Fountain
Trips in Turkey (01/21/2021)
A distinctive landmark at the heart of Historic Old Town gives such a nice color with an harmony to the city's diverse heritage.
Abdullah Yolcu (11/29/2020)
German Fountain is a gift of Kaiser Wilhelm The second, King of Germany to Ottoman Sultan Abdülhamit the second. İt is built on 1902 and was put at the Hippodrome of Constantinople. Some rumours says that pieces of it was prepared in Germany and sent to İstanbul with the Orient Express!
Hussain Khan (12/22/2020)
I Really Like Istambul so murchi
Arya the Sneakerhead Pirate (11/25/2020)
The German Fountain (Turkish: Alman Çeşmesi German: Deutscher Brunnen) is a gazebo styled fountain in the northern end of old hippodrome (Sultanahmet Square), Istanbul, Turkey and across from the Mausoleum of Sultan Ahmed I. It was constructed to commemorate the second anniversary of German Emperor Wilhelm II's visit to Istanbul in 1898. It was built in Germany, then transported piece by piece and assembled in its current site in 1900. The neo-Byzantine style fountain's octagonal dome has eight marble columns, and dome's interior is covered with golden mosaics. -- Wikipedia
Cris (11/24/2020)
Beautiful historic place I really enjoyed 💖
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