
Detailed Information
  • Place Types Church
  • Address Т0511, Dymytrov, Donets'ka oblast, Ukraine, 85321
  • Coordinate 48.295632,37.2664833
  • Website Unknown
  • Rating 3.4
  • Compound Code 77W8+7H Myrnohrad, Donetsk Oblast, Ukraine
Зал Царства Свидетелей Иеговы
Sergey L. (09/07/2018)
Well, this is where all the religiously bonkers in this town come together. Sometimes (even very often) the inhabitants of this church can be found at bus stops or elsewhere preaching their religion. Of course, they do not forcibly lure people, but in the back passing them one can hear words about, as always, the approach of the End of the World, which They (the Witnesses) are so furiously waiting for. - I learned about it after talking with him .... Once.
Анна Фридман (10/26/2019)
It is very cozy, beautiful and calm.
Виталий Гаврилюк (04/20/2019)
Here you can ask for a personal free Bible study.
Кресь (08/13/2017)
This is a sect! It's dangerous to walk there, but it looks very beautiful from the side!
Виталий Завгородний (04/27/2019)
Awful place.
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