
Detailed Information
Prairie Ridge Park
Prairie Ridge Park
Prairie Ridge Park
Prairie Ridge Park
Prairie Ridge Park
Prairie Ridge Park
Prairie Ridge Park
Prairie Ridge Park
Prairie Ridge Park
Prairie Ridge Park
Scott Nelson (08/10/2016)
Love staying at Prarie Ridge it's a hidden treasures at Lake Rathbun. We love that is small and tucked back in the woods very peaceful. I never feels over crowded with people makes you feel like you are out Camping.
T.J RICH (07/09/2019)
10 thumbs up to the custodian !!!!!nGreat job.nFacilities well cared for..n2018. B loop shower house totally refreshed !!!!! All new paint.nAs far as a star rating for 2019nLets start with a 1nNot to sure about 2019 yet.nPark does not look good.nGrass not mowed.nCold showers in B loop.nNo water on A loop.nSeems to be that the corpes is way behind this year..nTo bad they lost Highway.. He did an awsome job in 2018.nLots of new employees..nWELL AS OF JULY 2019 I'VE DROPPED IT TO A 1.nPICTURES SHOW HOW . JAROD THE NEW SUPERVISOR RANGER CARES ABOUT PRAIRIE RIDGE. REALLY SAD...nCORPES NEEDS TO LOOK FOR A SUPERVISOR THAT CARES ABOUT THE PARK.nIF NOTHING ELSE HAVE JAROD LEARN TO CLEAN BATHROOMS.nLET KANSAS CITY DISTRICT KNOW OF YOUR DISAPOINTMENT WITH PRAIRIE RIDGE.....
Rodney (08/25/2017)
Very quiet and laid back the bathrooms need sprayed for spiders or something
Rebecca Bolton (06/04/2018)
Very clean. Well manicured campsites.
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