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Euphrates Falls
Euphrates Falls
Euphrates Falls
Euphrates Falls
Euphrates Falls
Euphrates Falls
Euphrates Falls
Euphrates Falls
Euphrates Falls
Euphrates Falls
Russell (03/05/2021)
That name is news to me, been in the valley 3 generations.nIt is though a truly hidden Gem that since the trees grew up, no one knows it's there now.nBe careful, it can be slippery, I'd find a nice heavy branch to use as a walking stick just in case and don't go alone, just in case.nThere's also a huge pool about 200 feet upstream and leading into that is a couple hundred feet more of exposed bedrock.nUphill, about 20 stories uphill is an old railroad bed. It ran until something like the 30's. You can still find chunks of coal too big to burn that firemen tossed out if you poke in leaves and are lucky. There is an access road badly over grown about 100 feet upstream of the waterfall on the other side of the stream. There is also a badly eroded logging road. Take your pick. It's a surprisingly HARD climb, very steep. The railroad bed is easy to hard to walk depending how much brush is grown up on it. There are bridges over DEEP culverts amazingly still in very good condition, they really don't build them like that anymore, but those bridges are just decades old logs so BE CAREFUL or work your way uphill and around. Sometimes you find someone is living right next to the railbed. In some places it functions as peoples driveway. No matter how abandoned It's all owned by someone or the other, so be respectful.nDown around Boiceville another section of this railroad about 20 miles long has been turned into a walking / biking trail. It's on route 23.nGetting out onto the bare rock of the waterfall depends on how high the water is. You don't want to get out there have you feet knocked out and go tumbling over a rock ledge, even if it's only head high. You might not stop going over ledges until you hit the big pool on the bottom.nBest way on is go UPSTREAM 50 or 100 feet, so if you fall you have a chance of getting up before going over falls. Try crossing, keeping feet tight to rock, sliding along in little steps. If you don't feel ultra stable, GO BACK. Don't assume if 5 of you link up you'll make it across, if it feels too strong for 1 it'll knock down 5 just as easy. If it's easily fordable work your way down bank on other side. Then when you hit a big drop you can go up in woods and work your way down onto the next ledge. It's easy, any kid can do it. I did. A million times.nIf you look you'll find footings for the bridge that originally crossed here. That was the main road. Where the road is now was a swamp filled gully. After the new road went in and was replaced fixed up raised a few times, the swamp filled in and up to where it is now, just about road level.nAcross the stream was a cabinet factory that was powered by a water wheel. Might still find some vestige of stone walls. Haven't been over there in decades.nThe house was originally the 'toll house' for use of bridge and road and a post office.nnThe abandoned house across the road used to 'own the falls' that is owned both sides of the stream. No one 'owns' a water course in NYS, handy to know when someone says you can't be in a stream etc., of course you do need to get in and out and even up on a bank every now and then to rest during a walk, so be polite to anyone you find.nnYears ago owners did a neighbor a favor, let them take the other side since they weren't using it, hadn't been on it in longer than me. Pity as the only reason for anyone to buy and fix up that wreck (or more likely knock it down build a new one) would be it owns a water fall. The old house was for sale, but it sits about a foot above a swamp. HUGE hole in the roof and I hear the roof on the back extension has totally collapsed. Don't even know if you could fit a well drilling rig on the property to drill a well, or where there might be enough dry area for a septic system. If it's still for sale call and ask the realtor, I'm sure they have all that info. Who knows maybe you can buy the land on the other side and 'own' a waterfall.
Müge Kafadar (01/01/2021)
Awesome place ♥ufe0f
Fırat YAŞAR (12/15/2020)
Hidden heaven!
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