
Detailed Information
Lake City Mini Park
Lake City Mini Park
Lake City Mini Park
Lake City Mini Park
Lake City Mini Park
Lake City Mini Park
Lake City Mini Park
Lake City Mini Park
Lake City Mini Park
Lake City Mini Park
Alicia Latham (08/29/2020)
Lake City Mini Park is beautifully string with lights at night and has a plethora of activities to offer. My favorite is the garden near the dock side of the lake and the bird preservation fully equipped with binoculars to observe the birds that choose to nestle on the islands inside the lake.
Cali Jay (05/10/2020)
I don't hate it but I don't love it. It's in the middle of lake City. I have good memories and bad one there.
Kill Bloods (02/18/2020)
This park has been a hotspot for the unsheltered and sheltered community for years of your comfortable with community, this is the spot for you. But it located in the heart of Lakecity
JaYMeE LeE (07/21/2019)
Concrete Park is what us Lake City locals call it.nThis is the center of this town. You can find any local here at one point of the day. It's were I go when I want to be nosey or ask where I can find someone else.n98% of the time there's always some one there and 95% of the time my time was not wasted.
Josh Pease (11/01/2019)
One of the best Thai places ever. I haven't had a bad dish yet!
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323 Marble Ave NW, Albuquerque, NM 87102, USA
Albuquerque, NM 87104, USA
+1 505-768-2000