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Terry Lenz (01/11/2021)
He took our money, stall the case, then when you have an appointment he will wait till you get there and tell you that he requires a negative covid test before you can go into his office. I won't step foot in his office again. I think it's time he retires. Save your money and find a good attorney. I understand being cautious of covid but if you are so scared of it then you should lock yourself in your home and especially not take someone's money who doesn't have it to begin with. Btw he wasn't worried about you having covid when you're writing him a check.
Cannibuhl (Heather) (08/06/2017)
Please don't trust Mr.Turner with your life. It's been over ten years since he 'represented' me in court, and he does not have your best interests in heart nor will he fight for you. In fact, the reason I'm still pissed ten years later is the fact that he took advantage of my age and naivete at the time and lied to me just to get me to take a plea bargain for a crime that I didn't commit. All because a man ten years my senior didn't want to go to jail, because a girl wouldn't get time or in trouble. Mr.Turner told me to take a plea to help my fresh ex-boyfriend at that time avoid going to jail, telling me that it would be wiped off my record when I performed the 'probation' and paid the fees, as if nothing had every happened, as if I wasn't picked up in a arrest. As if I had never done anything at all. I had left a slowly souring relationship with the man ten years older than me, was living with my parents as most 19 year olds are apt to do when they fall flat on their face, and went with him to talk at the local burger joint in my town one night after because he wanted to talk about the child I was going to have, not knowing he was transporting drugs in his car, not knowing he was driving on a expired sticker, not knowing anything but that we were not getting back together. I was ready to get out of that relationship, I was pregnant and young, and stupid but then we go to jail, nothing like trauma to make two people bond. Especially when your parents are so strict you are scared to call them from the jail phone, you've never been in trouble before in your life and the ex boyfriend leaves you in for a extra day cause he bonds himself out before you. After this, this is where Mr.Turner lost his integrity. When you don't explain stuff to a child, when you will not put the best interests of the client forthright and go with a lie fabricated, and you knew it was such as we consulted in your office, when you did that, when you told me that everything would be alright, and that pleading nolo contendre was not entering a plea of guilt. When you told me that taking deferred adjudication would be like nothing ever happened, a clean slate at the end, I had trusted you. That's when you should have stopped playing at being a attorney, lawyer, or whatever it is you are, when you decided to take advantage of a barely legal adults naivete of the world, and twist it so that you could end the case and move on, you lost all integrity. Since I learned what you did to me, the lies you told me have affected my life greatly. That stuff didn't just go away, and I wasn't given the clean slate you promised. A year after I completed the deferred adjudication, I was denied housing. For the next couple of years I couldn't get a job that was worth a damn. And then I tried to contact your office to find out what I could do about it and the receptionist laughed in my face and my mother's and blocked our numbers from calling. I am so afraid that your office will lead another child down paths they should never be on, or lie to them to get them to stop fighting for what's right and in their best interests. I hope people read this and know that you are a snake oil salesman, and to avoid you if they value their life and liberty. Mrs.Burnett
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