
Detailed Information
Roswell English Seventh-Day Adventist Church
Roswell English Seventh-Day Adventist Church
V E G. Bog (04/13/2019)
I attended Sabbath School and Sabbath Service. In the parking lot a man named Paul waved, greeted at the door Daniel and before I sat down great by Joseph. There was so much kindness displayed before service. This is a plus when you're is a newbie and know no other persons there. The people were genuinely friendly.nThere Elder Joseph didn't read one scripture and just talk, he gave all the scriptures that he would cover and more. The scriptures were read then he gave example with understanding.nBut, I feel that questions and statements during bible class should be given 10mins before class ends so not interrupt the flow of the study.nI didn't speak with the leader of the church, yet, I'm sure they haven't had a detail class about dressing modestly and being decent and in order not conforming to this world.nI was seeking a man of God as the late Dr. Charles D. Brooks, that teaches God word by God's word, not man's words. He sticks to the scriptures. I long to know God's word with full understanding. I have always loved bible study.nI was invited to stay for lunch, which I believe they said every Sabbath without saying, Adults $2.50 children's plate $1.50 nor did they surprise me with preaching about giving over and over, and over like other churches.nnYes, I will be returning to is if the have discipleship classes.nYes, I will return to get to know the people to witness their fruit bloom.nnI thank the SDA family for their kindness and hugs and sharing the word of God.nBlessing Mrs. Garcia-Boganey
Komal Kanode (06/01/2019)
Very friendly church members. I always feel at home!❤
CV Conchita frc (11/15/2017)
Pastor is nice. He pastors two other congregation. The people are diverse and very traditional SDA.
LovingU Longer (06/06/2019)
Nice, especially the brotheren.
Lisa Friedt (06/05/2017)
Very nice congregation
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