
Detailed Information
Martin Rothberg (08/24/2020)
Congregation provides many options for attending services, including online access to daily services. Keeping the congregation safe is their first priority.
Alice Weinberg (10/15/2020)
And a Rabbi who is there for you no matter where you live is priceless.
Elaine Vullemier (01/14/2020)
Warm, welcoming services
Robert K (10/24/2014)
Temple Beth Abraham (called TBA by members) is a neighborly, welcoming, Conservative Jewish synagogue.nnIt follows the religious practices of Conservative Judaism: traditional Jewish law interpreted in a non-fundamentalist fashion. Given its location in the suburbs, many of TBA's members aren't fully observant; the community is sensitive to the needs of all members, from secular and Reform, to Conservative and Traditional. It is welcoming to interfaith couples, and has great outreach to couples who wish to raise their children Jewish.nnUnlike many suburban synagogues, TBA's membership is large and holding it's own, perhaps even growing. It has a vibrant, fun Hebrew School, for students from kindergarten up to high school. It has an adult education program, and an active men's club and sisterhood.nnTheir services are primarily in Hebrew, following the Ashkenazi liturgical tradition, and using many of the traditional melodies that I grew up. Services also have a generous amount of English readings and are accessible for newcomers.nnThe Shabbat services could use more Shlomo Carelebach-type melodies and harmonies. But that's true of nearly all synagogues nowadays.nnThis is a community worth visiting and joining.
michael loaiza (12/17/2019)
It sucks to clean in the winter
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