
Detailed Information
Beth Jacob Synagogue
Walker Scott (09/23/2020)
Best synagogue with Beth in it’s name on this side of Vermont!
Roxy Smith (07/15/2019)
I'm very glad that I went to this synagogue I felt welcome there I saw people I knew it was great to learn things I didn't know I recommend this synagogue.
Andy Robinson (08/17/2017)
I've participated in several synagogues over the years, and Beth Jacob is my favorite by far. Appreciate the small town feel and dedication to embracing the diversity of Jewish expression. And check out the lovely new building!
Michele Clark (08/17/2017)
Beth Jacob is the synagogue I was always looking for and finally found about 20 years ago and am so glad I did. Open, accepting, eclectic in practice.
Mariessa Dobrick (08/24/2017)
Beth Jacob is a small, unique and independent congregation. As a community it is warm and welcoming.
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