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P B (01/15/2019)
BRILLIANT JOB TURNING A BAD SITUATION INTO A POSITIVE EXPERIENCEnnThis past year and a half has been the first time that I have been in a situation that not only had the potential to change my life in a seriously negative way but was also above and beyond what I felt confident in how much I could effect the outcome. Just like I have never had any reason to list what aspects of a heart surgeon would make me comfortable handing my life over to for a procedure, I had completely taken for granted the effect that a lawyer could have on my quality of life. Thankfully a colleague recommended John Garey of Dover, DE; not only does he hold John and his staff in the highest professional regards but he adamantly stressed the value of John's ability to simplify the process for him and help him understand the road forward.nI walked into Mr. Garey's handing overwhelmed and anxious about the gravity of my situation and left feeling confident that I was hiring someone who understood how important this was to me and would provide a defense that reflected his commitment to continuing his run as one of Delaware's too few defense attorneys . John and his group helped stoke my confidence as they broke down the case for me, explained the possible outcomes and told me that they have years of experience in similar matters. Before I walked in that day, I did not think that anyone could make me feel confident handing over the control of a situation that could have tuned out so badly for me but I realized early on that this group gave me the best chance I had.nI followed exactly the advice that John gave me on how to proceed from that day forward and by the time that I was due in court I felt as assured as I could have been about my case. John delivered on his promise by arguing my case effectively and never losing site of the final outcome we agreed to as best case. John ultimately negotiated an outcome and ruling that was better than promised or expected and allowed me to continue my life as it was before.nI would absolutely recommend John Garey as an attorney for anyone with a criminal matter of any magnitude- His record and experience show how many times he has taken on the toughest cases and come out on top. I thank my colleague every chance I get for referring me to John's office so I felt the need to pass along my experience to anyone who finds themselves suddenly appreciating how important a good lawyer may be for their future.nnJohn _ My family and I cannot thank you or your team enough for your help us resolve this and keeping us as sane as possible during the process.n. Thanks again
Andre Dagiant (01/21/2019)
John Garey is a magician!nnHad a DUI case recently that was really going to put me in a jam. I just knew that whole night had been handled poorly by the authorities and I never should have been in any trouble. Garey walked me through the whole situation and found out where they misstepped. Conclusion-DROPPED! Couldn’t be happier. I owe ya big time.
Joey Lattimore (01/18/2020)
The best attorney I ever had
Art Wells (12/06/2018)
Mr. Garey is an excellent lawyer and is knowledge of the law is incredible. I definitely highly recommend John R.Garey.
Jay “Mortgages by Jay” Vidal (05/28/2017)
Attorney John R. Garey and his entire staff are consummate professionals in every sense of the word. They are very hands on, fair and reasonably price. I highly recommend him, as 1 of the top lawyers in Delaware hands down!
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