
Detailed Information
Dr Jennifer Martinick
Paul Gerrard (06/20/2019)
Dr Jennifer Martinick and her team have given me back the hair of my youth. Extraordinary, natural results combining artistry with pioneering expertise. No need to wear my hat any more!
Greg Smith (06/22/2019)
Dr Jennifer Martinick, 2012 President of ISHRS (International Society for Hair Restoration Surgery) is a DISGRACE to the medical profession, proof here: sites-google-com/site/drjennifermartinickdisgrace/ [replace “-” with “.” to access this Google website] or search in Google for “jennifer martinick” and see results from "pissedconsumer" or "ripoffreport". I am a former patient of Dr. Carlos J Puig & Dr. E. Antonio Mangubat, and was left scarred & disfigured by these doctors, who had engaged in FRAUD & FALSE-ADVERTISING, proof here: sites-google-com/site/pmgincompetent/ [replace “-” with “.” to access this Google website] or search in google for “carlos j puig complaints”. In 2012 Puig was Vice-President and Mangubat was Hair Foundation Liaison of ISHRS. Seeing this, I filed an ethics complaint with Jennifer Martinick. However, Martinick refused to proceed with my complaint. Martinick’s pathetic excuse for not proceeding was that I did not provide personal information and my complaint relates to procedures purportedly performed 17-18 years ago. Martinick asked for my full name, date of birth, and other personal info purportedly “so that we can request and review your medical records.” However, Martinick knew or should have known that any medical clinic keeps patient records for 7-10 years then destroys them. Given Puig and Mangubat performed their disfiguring surgeries in 1995, 17 years prior 2012, Martinick knew full well my medical records were almost certain to have been destroyed….also Puig’s clinic, Puig Medical Group went out of business in the late 1990s! Please note I filed an ethics complaint against Puig with 2 other organizations, Merck, the pharmaceutical company, and Baylor College of Medicine. Because of my complaints, both organizations severed their ties with Puig and are no longer associated with him. This is in sharp contrast to Martinick, who would not even consider my ethics complaint, much less actually sever ISHRS’ ties with Puig. Neither Merck nor Baylor College of Medicine asked me to provide my personal info before proceeding with my complaint and severing their ties with Puig. So why did Martinck insist on knowing my true identity before moving forward with my complaint?? There was only one possible reason: so that she & ISHRS could threaten me with a frivolous lawsuit to try to silence former patients [like me] of Puig. For these reasons, I am totally justified to call Martinick a DISGRACE. Response to Martinick’s comment below: Martinick wants you to believe she “only asked [me] to identify [myself] as would be expected of anyone doing due diligence”. Really?? Then why, subsequent to Martinick refusal to proceed with my complaint, did I receive a letter from ISHRS’ lawyer, Susan F. Carlson, Chicago Law Partners, which stated, “you are free to express your opinions within the bounds of the law. I would respectfully caution you, however, to take care in characterizing the actions of ISHRS and Dr. Martinick.” See Ms. Carlson’s full letter here: drive-google-com/file/d/1gEmsyn-J1RVUnY3yqBKsv_Ka73s_bxn9/view?usp=sharing [replace “-” with “.” to access this Google Drive link] This statement was nothing less than a threat to file a frivolous lawsuit against me if I posted anything negative about Martinick or ISHRS. Hence, there’s no question in my mind Martinick wanted my name to file a frivolous lawsuit to try to shut me up; this is precisely why I only use pseudonyms, and will never reveal my true identity. Jennifer Martinick’s response:: Dear Eric or Greg Smith or what ever other name you are using, You have never been a patient of mine. When I was President of the ISHRS 6 years ago, I only asked you to identify yourself as would be expected of anyone doing due diligence. This obviously upset you a lot for what reason I don't fully understand. I hope that anyone reading this correspondence realises this Eric or Greg doesn't understand normal processes required to investigate an issue. Jennifer Martinick MBBS
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