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KEINE ARMENISCHE DEMO !!! (10/16/2020)
We ALL hope that there are very harsh consequences from all possible and possible legal sources against today's ARMENIER, who blocked the A1 and other routes: coercion § 242 StGB, very high fines and possibly imprisonment. For some, you should definitely check whether a deportation is possible and whether there is an abuse of asylum (as has often happened with Armenians in recent years). Some "mainstream media" then dared to write "Demo for the homeland", "Demo for peace" on this completely unacceptable behavior: NO! It is a people that does not accept international law, the territories that it has illegally acquired through a genocide (1992 Chodjali) and through expulsions of at least 700,000 indigenous people, and which it holds to this day. Anyone who, despite being in the wrong, behaves in this way and then poses as a "victim people", such aggressive propaganda (be it through worldwide demos or social networks) has once again proven that he is very poorly integrated, the German, European western Doesn't appreciate values ​​and concerns at all, only works for his own home (of his parents) and immediately belongs to the Middle East! This aggressive lobbying work by the Armenian diaspora, which was once again proven by these blockades, is also to blame for the fact that more and more are coming because the FRG allows everything to go, and in this country (as was the case with the last Kurd demonstration with the many fare dodgers who are on Controllers beat up) goes steeply downhill. It is neither Azerbaijan nor Russia or Turkey "to blame" for this state of affairs, but only these polluters with their compatriots who do not want to abide by the law, neither in Karabakh nor in the FRG! Many of you are also world champions at twisting facts. Don't believe that. There was no emergency for a demo, as they are now boldly claiming: REIMBURSED ALL CRIMINAL REPORT; IF YOUR AFFECTED WARD AND HIGH DAMAGE CLAIMS; IF you missed an important meeting, a flight, etc.! Hopefully, this will then be a lesson that you don't want to force, manipulate and urge the residents here to issues and actions in your own interest that do not interest them!
Holger C (01/11/2020)
Very nice and competent advice from police officers in traffic matters
Christoff Hamann (04/02/2019)
Why is not learned to form a rescue lane we have every day traffic jam on the a7 northbound from HH heimfeld You can have it so easy to practice so Mfg the friendly miclwagen driver
Nils Finkelmeier (03/20/2019)
Today I had the pleasure of being stopped by officials from the traffic K. season West. After the police car in the Flowing Traffic had apparently come in to me, it had turned around, followed me and then stopped me for "traffic control". Reason was not a misconduct on my part in the road, but it was a targeted control of drugs in traffic. What followed was an unworthy spectacle of subliminal questioning, vague threats of punishment and cursing "examinations" of reflexes, etc. During this approximately 15-minute process, I emphasized repeatedly, to be absolutely fit to drive and to have taken no drugs. This did not interest the official K., he was still sure that I had illegal substances in the blood and immediately ordered a urine or blood test. To be allowed to do so, "imminent danger" must be. His statement and justification for this was that it my eyes are "noticed". Mind of an oncoming vehicle - both cars about 30 km / h through two windshields and I did not einemal looking in the direction of the police cars. Despite the absurd arbitrariness I agreed to the urine test, to avoid having to the police station to draw blood. I had in an area on the street Keller disposal of an adjoining house in a plastic cup to urinate in the presence of officials. After application of urine on the test strip was clear after a few seconds that the test was negative for all substances. Although the officials had more or less accused me of lying directly above by insisted despite my Anagben that I would have illegal substances in the body, he did not even think it once the test is necessary to apologize to me. Although actually more than that would be necessary. Because not I had lied, but he, when he claimed to have seen my eyes as accurate in the situation described above, that it justifies this form of intervention (for up to 2 years ago still an arrangement by the judge was required). What the officer had seen in reality were my slightly longer curly hair and my leather jacket. And the repeated shutdown of its "extensive experience" in the field of drugs shows already that the man said, "to know his Pappenheimer". I consider this approach to be more than questionable. Someone to assess and treat as a result of externals pigeonholing is the bottom drawer. And if "recognizing" "conspicuous" eyes in the circumstances described above is a justification in the sense of "danger in arrears", in my opinion, urgently should check a judge. In my view, this term is as stretched as desired - if not abused. In any case, I feel upset and unfairly treated as disrespectful and will also underline this through an official complaint to the officer's superior.
Lukas Bielefeld (01/19/2019)
Thank you Mr. Schwanengel. You are the best official in the city!
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